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Venezuela Solves Its Crime Problem by Sending Criminals, Victims to the US

AP Photo/Martin Mejia

Congratulations to Venezuela, that socialist dumpster where people eat zoo animals to survive, on solving their crime rate problem: send the criminals to the United States.


No, really.

Amazing. And our border is wide open, and we have no idea who is crossing over. Like Jose Ibarra, who killed UGA student Laken Riley last week.

Bloomberg reports:

Venezuela’s rate of violent deaths dropped to its lowest level in more than two decades following years of massive migration as both criminals and victims fled the nation’s economic crisis.

The Venezuelan Violence Observatory registered 26.8 violent deaths per 100,000 inhabitants this year from a rate of 35.3 for every 100,000 habitants in 2022, Roberto Briceño León, director of the Observatory, said in a webcast Thursday. That’s its lowest since 2001 and is one-third of what it was in 2016, he added.

Young people, who have traditionally been the main victims of violence, have fled, while criminals and gangs have emigrated due to the lack of opportunities to commit crimes, according to Briceño León.


We're sure these criminals are just coming here to turn over a new leaf and a better life, right?


We're like Australia, except we let the inmates run free in the penal colony.

And an unwillingness -- intentional -- of prosecutors to charge criminals for the crimes they commit.

And people who would be better candidates for asylum? Nah, we're not interested.

This is fine. Totally fine.

Yes, it is effective. And our leaders allow it.


It is suboptimal. Worse than suboptimal.

Amazing, no?

Yes, they should.

They never will, though.

The Border Czar is doing a fantastic job.

Aren't we lucky?

Pretty much. Can't interfere with Biden's ice cream break.


The border is the top issue in six of seven swing states -- not the economy, the border.

But the question remains: if this costs Biden the election, will Trump actually do anything about it?

Exactly. No other country would tolerate this, but we are.

It will end very, very badly for us.


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