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AOC Claims Billionaires and Their Evil Groups Are Out to Get Squad Members, There's Just ONE Big Problem

AP Photo/Alastair Grant

Man oh man, AOC and other Socialist Democrats aka Squad Members are really pushing the BILLIONAIRES ARE OUT TO GET US nonsense, especially those scary groups that like to donate more to Democrats than to Republicans. That's the kicker. These days, billionaires seem to care more about supporting Democrats ... 


But hey, who we are to stop them from making fools of themselves?

Case in point:

Don't worry, Sandy, Jamaal Bowman already asked Jewish leaders for some pictures so he can pretend he has Jewish friends.

We're not even making that up.

Besides, there is plenty of money rolling in for Bowman. Ahem.

Wealthy people who do not live in Bowman's district want Bowman to stay in office.

That seems sketchy.

We really really really hope so.

But not SOCIALISTS, like her pal Bowman.

Or for that matter, herself.


Not a damn thing.

Time to take the Squad's power away.

Hopefully they figure out Bowman and AOC do not represent them in any way, shape or form, and they vote accordingly.



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