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Jonathan Turley Uses Video of Nancy Pelosi Taking Responsibility for J6 Security to NUKE Her/J6 Committee

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

As Twitchy readers know, newly released footage (although it wasn't really new, they had just been concealing it for YEARS) shows a very panicked Nancy Pelosi accepting responsibility for the lack of security at the Capitol on January 6th WHICH of course lines up with many other claims we've seen from Trump himself and people who were there protesting that day.


If Nancy had accepted National Guard support and installed the fencing does January 6th even happen?

Does this make January 6th Nancy's fault?

And why oh why would the January 6th Committee HIDE this tape from the public.

Enquiring minds want to know.

Luckily, Jonathan Turley did the heavy lifting for us:

He continues:


For years, some of us have asked why the Capitol was so poorly prepared for the January 6th riot. As part of the coverage on that day, I remarked at the start of the protests that I had never seen the Capitol so thinly protected for a major demonstration. Some paths to the Capitol were protected by a handful of bicycle officers and thin barriers. Now, a previously-unreleased video taken on Jan. 6, 2021 shows then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., admitting that she was responsible for the lack of preparedness.

The video was disclosed in a posting on X by a House Republican panel.  The video shows Pelosi in an exchange with Chief of Staff Terri McCullough on the evacuation. Pelosi states:

“We have responsibility, Terri. We did not have any accountability for what was going on there. And we should have. This is ridiculous. You’re going to ask me in the middle of the thing when they’ve already breached…that, should we call the Capitol Police? I mean the National Guard? Why weren’t the National Guard there to begin with?…They clearly didn’t know, and I take responsibility for not having them just prepared for more.”

The video was never released by the J6 Committee, which was criticized for its highly choreographed and scripted hearings with little balance in the presentation of evidence. The lack of emphasis on the security issues was glaring and raised by critics throughout the hearings.


Many questions about security being lax ... now we know why.

To be fair, many of us knew all along.

The committee also held off on the limo driver ... you know, the driver Trump supposedly overpowered from the backseat? 


Because Nancy put the committee together - they weren't about to question HER.

It was literally HER committee.

We're not exactly holding our breath for any real consequences for any of these people ... they did the job they were appointed to do and that was to fuel a narrative, not reveal what really happened.

That's more and more obvious the more we find out.



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