Clutch Your Pearls: Tony Fauci and The Hill Get the Vapors Over Trump...
WATCH: Jerry Seinfeld Roasts Antisemitic Heckler: ‘He Solved the Middle East!’
Giffords Gets Its Bump Stock Wrong in Illustration for Banning Bump Stocks
Rep. Ted Lieu Says CEO's Shouldn't Be Surprised by Trump's 'Incoherent Rants'
Here's Proof That 'Biden's Secret Service Agents Aren't Even Safe in Joe Biden's...
Coffee Shop Workers Who Voted to Unionize Protest Chain Shutting Down
The Gaslight Is Strong With This One: KJP Says Videos of Biden Struggling...
President Joe Biden Struggling to Hold Onto Young Voters and Seniors
Axios Looks at How Biden's Historic Presidency Has Doubled as a Family Tragedy
Libs of TikTok: Trans Activist Who Flashed Fake Boobs at White House Accused...
John Kirby Attributes Failure of Biden’s Humanitarian Aid Pier to 'Severe Weather'
Clown World: Amid 300% Spike in Youth Crime, Maryland County Will Give Good...
Campaign Denies Asking for Biden to Sit Through Debates
New Yorker Writer WHINES That Trump Movie May Not Be Available in U.S.,...
Chris Hayes Warns of Terror, Violence and Citizens Caught Up in the Mix...

Rachel Maddow's MELTDOWN of All MELTDOWNS About Trump 'Getting Her' Is Off-the-Charts INSANE (Watch)

We haven't seen Rachel Maddow freak out this much since Trump won in 2016.

She's absolutely convinced Trump is going to put her in a camp if he's elected, among other crazy stuff that she's peddling to crazy people who still watch her. There's a reason so many people on the Left are uninformed, ignorant, emotional, thin-skinned nutjobs and it's because they get their 'news' from people like Rachel.


Who, by the way, seems to be completely bats**t, just putting that out there.


Keep in mind to people like MAD-COW, anyone to the Right of Mao is 'ultra-right.'

But wait, there's more!

Could she be any more tone-deaf?


And finally:

She says this like it's a bad thing.

Note, Rachel is not the first maniac to claim Trump will 'get them' if he's re-elected. It's almost as if they have a guilty conscious or something ...

Nobody is above the law, Rachel. HA HA HA


Live look at Rachel, right now.



Nancy Pelosi in PANIC Mode Attempting to Do Damage Control After New J6 Footage Gives Her Away (Watch)

James Woods Drops HEAP-BIG Zinger on Elizabeth Warren for Pushing Climate Change HEAT (in Summer)

Can't Stop WON'T Stop! Ricky Gervais Reminds Hollywood How DUMB They Really Are With Short Video (Watch)

Clean Up in Aisle 7! Carol Roth Wipes the FLOOR With Mark Cuban in Debate About the Raising Minimum Wage

'Massive FRAUD on Americans': Alexandra Pelosi's 'New' J6 Footage Only Makes J6 Committee Look WORSE


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