Woke Preacher Explains How Drag is Holy
Biden Simp Victor Shi Meets 'National Treasure' Anthony Fauci
The White House Correspondents' Dinner aka 'Nerd Prom' is as Obnoxious as You...
'We Don't Like White People': Here Are Some Highlights From the Pro-Hamas Protests
Columbia Says It Won't Be Calling the NYPD to Handle Campus Protests Again
Sanctimonious Gavin Newsom Tries to Join in on Noem Ridicule but Gets Promptly...
Dana Loesch Asks Who Was Worse: Jimmy Carter or Joe Biden?
NBC News: White House Planning to Limit Biden's and Harris' Commencement Appearances
Gov. Kristie Noem Says to Preorder Her Book Where She Recounts Shooting Her...
LOL at Arizona State University Lawbreakers: Why Are the Police Letting Frat Boys...
President Biden Blasts 'Hateful Rhetoric' From Pro-Israel Demonstrators at Columbia
Alarming: Fire Marshal Jamaal Bowman Hilariously Duped by Pro-Hamas Twitter Parody Account
'Absolutely Incredible!' Julie Kelly Shares Unsealed Detail From Trump 'Classified Doc' Ca...
President Joe Biden Promises He Will Not Rest Until All American Hostages Are...
Trump-Hating Psychiatrist Proves She Needs a Civics Course While Opining About SCOTUS

Yemen Tells America to 'Bring It On' With Plane/Top Gun Video, There's Just One HILARIOUS Problem (Watch)


Full disclosure, this tweet passed this editor's timeline several times today before we wrote it, but it was so goofy and so silly we assumed it was a parody.

A joke.


Except it likely isn't.

No really.

You guys have to watch this with sound ON:


HA ha. 

HA HA ha. 


Read that again.

Yemen has AN AIRPLANE ...

Holy Heckins, that is funny.

In other words, that would have been a clunker in 1986.

Danger Zone!

Hey now, Pippi Longstocking was the bomb.


The Top Gun theme song makes it SUPER dangerous.

They're in the DANGER ZONE.

The irony.


A real shame.




Queers for Palestine Learns the HARD WAY How Palestine REALLY Feels About Them and Sorry but LOL (Watch)

WOW WOW WOW --> Alec Baldwin Just Goes OFF on Pro-Palestine Protester and We're Here FOR IT (Watch)

And. Here. We. GOOOO! Over 170 People Linked to Jeffrey Epstein in Court Docs to be Named in Coming Weeks

A Very NERVOUS Liz Cheney Tries Doubling Down on J6 Lies About Trump, Gets NUKED by Community Notes

Just Gets WORSE for IBM as MORE Leaks Expose Internal DEI Slides About 'How Whiteness Works' (Pics)


Editor's Note: Hi there. I know it's been some time since we changed this up but changing it up now to see if any of you read this far. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? ALSO, if you are reading this far please sign up for Twitchy VIP and help us continue bringing you the truth, especially the truth Biden and his Big Tech goons don't want us sharing.

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