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Donald Trump Says Those 51 Intelligence Officers Should Be Prosecuted

AP Photo/John Locher

As we reported earlier Monday, even Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seems to think Donald Trump is so "out of his mind" that he will throw her in jail if he's elected. We doubt Trump thinks about AOC at all. But there are continually stories in the media about how Trump is going to throw everyone in jail if he's elected. Rep. Adam Schiff is taking very seriously Trump's threat to throw the members of the January 6 select committee in prison. 


In this clip, Trump suggests prosecuting the 51 former intelligence officers who signed that letter saying the Hunter Biden laptop story had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. He won't, but it's a nice thought. Mostly, though, Trump talked about Jeffrey Goldberg's piece in The Atlantic claiming that in 2018 he called the dead at Normandy, whom President Joe Biden just honored, "suckers" and "losers." Biden tried to revive the anonymously sourced claim last fall:

That story was debunked by some 22 people who were there in the helicopter with Trump when he allegedly made those remarks. Hey, has anyone found that tape yet of Trump using the N-word on the set of "The Apprentice"? Biden-Harris HQ pounced on that "breaking" report too. Biden also likes to tell us how Trump called neo-Nazis "very fine people," told Americans to inject bleach, and tear-gassed peaceful protesters outside the White House.

Here's the clip:

Don't forget that it was now Secretary of State Antony Blinken's idea to solicit the letter, so the suggestion came from the Biden campaign itself.


Ah, but they didn't say it was Russian disinformation — they just said it had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. They left some wiggle room for themselves.

And the social media platforms that refused to allow you to share or link to the laptop story need a reckoning. That was some true election interference.


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