Earlier this week, NBC News digital reporter Ben Kesslen solicited answers to a very serious question about how awesome it would be if Joe Biden canceled $50,000 of everyone’s student debt:
Hi! I'm working on a story for NBC News about how 50k of student loan forgiveness could change people's lives. If it would affect you and you'd like to talk, please DM me or email me at [email protected]. Many thanks!
— Ben Kesslen (@benkesslen) April 6, 2021
Among the many people who gave Kesslen an answer he didn’t actually want was Dana Loesch, who, like many others, pointed out that student debt cancellation wouldn’t actually fix anything but would instead screw over a whole lot of people:
It would change my others's lives by making us all unwillingly pay for loans we never co-signed while also paying for our own kids. https://t.co/HrijafkalE
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) April 6, 2021
Seems like a fair complaint, right? Well, this tweeter didn’t think so and concluded that only someone with “elite privilege” could feel the way Loesch does:
Makes no sense. Rewrite?
And try living a life of poverty aspiring to education. You have no choice but to borrow. You get screwed by lenders.
You are the epitome of elite privilege.— Eve Jones-Lopez PhD:woke supremacy=white supremacy (@SeanMcGinty18) April 6, 2021
OK, now it’s Loesch’s turn to talk:
I grew up w a single mother who worked 3 jobs to stay off benefits. I couldn’t afford notebook paper and we lived off milk gravy and biscuits a lot of the time. Everything I made? I built. I worked hard and paid my own way without debt. You are the epitome of entitled assumption. https://t.co/wOyoR6FRJf
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) April 7, 2021
Oh — and while you piss and moan about the cost of college, by all means keep casting those votes for the people who nationalized loans and drove the price sky high. Tonight you learned.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) April 7, 2021
In fact, one even say the troll got schooled. And Loesch did it for free!
Dana’s response is straight savagery. https://t.co/Yjz9yFSd8w
— Steven LaBarbera (@stebbo50) April 7, 2021
Dana with the? https://t.co/223gtcY2o8
— Marcus Key (@marcuskey1) April 7, 2021
— *Dr.* One Horse Pony (@croix4545) April 7, 2021
https://t.co/oOYxBg4mQi pic.twitter.com/cLPkNGfkK5
— SkipHopeJ (@jdubbsnk) April 7, 2021
— Voices of Misery Podcast (@VoicesofMisery) April 7, 2021
— TheButcher854 (@TheButcher854) April 7, 2021
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