Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have both taken issue with Bill Gates’ apparent reluctance to fork over all his money to the government in the form of a wealth tax.
Bill Gates on a wealth tax:
"I've paid over $10 billion in taxes. I've paid more than anyone in taxes. If I had to pay $20 billion, it's fine."
"But when you say I should pay $100 billion, then I'm starting to do a little math over what I have left over."
— Teddy Schleifer (@teddyschleifer) November 6, 2019
But what’s the big deal? It’s not like Bill Gates wouldn’t still be a billionaire after having $100 billion forcibly confiscated by the government. As New York Times national politics reporter Astead Wesly points out, Gates has got money to spare:
Even if someone was asking Bill Gates to pay 100 billion in taxes (they're not), he'd have 6 billion left over https://t.co/jnslbzT1Sv
— Steadman™ (@AsteadWesley) November 6, 2019
So stop whining, Bill.
That makes it alright then. https://t.co/x9bi10ilS0
— BT (@back_ttys) November 7, 2019
And that’s ok?
— Michael Lewis (@MichaelLewis73) November 7, 2019
For some, theft is fine if the thieves take only some of your stuff. https://t.co/Ro3ru2rfpA
— bdunbar (@bdunbar) November 7, 2019
then how is that fair ?
— Kokate_ (@odeluvmo) November 7, 2019
It isn't your money boss but feel free to build your own powerhouse computer company from scratch like he did
— Scout (@Scoutdomain) November 7, 2019
Who are they to take his money
— Enzo Estradi ? (@EnzoEstradi) November 7, 2019
He doesn't have 106 billion in cash buddy it's just his net worth
— krish (@ExtremeFyre) November 7, 2019
You're clueless. Gates philanthropic giving has done more to uplift people out of poverty globally than any federally managed program could dream of achieving.
— WTBit? ?? (@bit_wt) November 7, 2019
Aside from the billions he has already paid in taxes, @BillGates has also committed to donating his fortune to charity. @BillGates has been a main driver to the eradication of curable diseases worldwide. I rather see him continue using his fortune his way than giving it to Feds.
— Steve Lin (@lin_steve) November 7, 2019
Bill is literally the biggest philanthropist.. I trust him with that money way more than the govt.
You should look into what he’s been spending his time and money on and then ask if you think the govt would spend that money better.
In my opinion, they wouldn’t even come close
— Josh Thompson ?? (@JoshTho08210011) November 7, 2019
It’s his money that he earned you can’t just take 94% of his hard work !! If I have 100 dollars I cannot let anyone leave me with bucks just because I have more than most people!
— احمد فقط ♔ (@A_Eizu) November 7, 2019
So he’s just supposed to be in agreement with the government taking 95% or more of his wealth? This is hilarious. Every person regardless of their wealth would be against that.
— James Adams (@J__Adams5) November 7, 2019
But after that year's taxes , what? He gives billions away. He worked for his money and shouldn't be penalized for it.
— Karen Simmons. (@kygirl270) November 7, 2019
Where would the $100 billion come from? It's almost all surely invested, you know. If it were in Treasuries, and Gates was ordered to liquidate $100 billion, what do you think the effect would be on the Treasury auctions? If in stocks, would that be a good week for the market?
— MikeSoja (@mike_soja) November 7, 2019
— BT (@back_ttys) November 7, 2019
Bernie has only been saying he doesn't think billioinaires should exist for months, but you can't expect Mr. NY Times journalist to know that.
— BT (@back_ttys) November 7, 2019
"If you took $100 billion from Bill Gates he'd still have $6 billion left." – is the kind of analysis that gets you a gig at the newspaper of record.
— BT (@back_ttys) November 7, 2019
That sort of economic expertise can only be obtained at J school.
— BT (@back_ttys) November 7, 2019
Democracy Dies in Communism.
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