In case you needed a reminder that it’s liberals who truly have compassion for victims, here’s director Judd Apatow:
Judd Apatow on Trump presidency: 'I feel like I've just been raped'
— The Washington Times (@WashTimes) February 20, 2017
From the Washington Times:
Filmmaker Judd Apatow gave a rare standup performance in Los Angeles Saturday night, using the opportunity to spend most of his routine zinging President Trump and his family.
Mr. Apatow, an outspoken critic of Mr. Trump, had joined Pete Holmes at the Regent Theater to promote their HBO series “Crashing.” Mr. Apatow started off his set by saying the president’s election victory made him feel like “a person about to get raped, but I didn’t know how bad it would be,” The Daily Beast reported.
Mr. Apatow said now that Mr. Trump is president, “I feel like I’ve just been raped and I just don’t know if I’m going to get murdered.”
That’s lovely, isn’t it? Apatow’s Trump Derangement Syndrome is really getting out of control.
Um, not sure that's a very appropriate – or apt – comparison. In fact, it's pretty offensive to women.
— Yaroslav Baran (@YaroslavB) February 19, 2017
Offensive to any victim of rape.
very offensive.
— Karen (@2020Bluevoter) February 19, 2017
As a woman who has been raped, I find this comparison SO offensive.
— catsplainer in chief (@robo_tabby) February 20, 2017
Obviously, Judd Apatow has no clue. Rape is no joke. Arrogant imbecile.
— By the numbers ??? (@TheRealFixNow) February 20, 2017
This is kind of gross disrepectful to anyone who has actually been victim of rape or attempted rape. He's taking it a bit too far.
— Terry Fahn (@terryfahn) February 20, 2017
Raped by Trump? This should be an insult to real rape victims! Raped! Urgh!
— Ruth Godwin (@ConnectWithRuth) February 20, 2017
@Talkmaster what is wrong with people?
— ?deborah? (@dkcwillis) February 20, 2017
Please. Immediately.
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Keep digging: Is anybody buying Judd Apatow’s excuse for this deleted Berkeley tweet?
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