People can’t seem to stop talking about that satanic backdrop for Joe Biden’s twisted speech last night. It really looked like it was being broadcast from the pits of hell, which, given the general attitude of this White House, is entirely fitting.
Nothing screams unity like a backdrop of blood red lighting and Marines positioned behind Biden as he shouts with raised clenched fists from the podium.
— Mia Cathell (@MiaCathell) September 2, 2022
We can’t stop talking about it because the imagery is just so … what’s the word? Sinister? Terrifying? Insane? Any of those would work. A lot of words would work.
One word that wouldn’t work is “inconsequential.” But if MSNBC executive producer Kyle Griffin could choose one word to describe the backdrop, that would be it:
If you're focused on the background of President Biden's speech, you’ve lost it.
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) September 2, 2022
“You idiots noticing the evil-looking backdrop chosen specifically for Joe Biden’s speech are idiots.”
lmfao but of course
— kaitlin, by definition, a woman (@thefactualprep) September 2, 2022
But of course Kyle is mad at you for noticing things.
If we weren't supposed to notice the setting, why did he go there to give the speech?
— (@jtLOL) September 2, 2022
Odd, Kyle can usually find the hidden meaning behind anything Republicans say or do.
— Matthew D. Dempster (@dempstermd) September 2, 2022
It was specifically designed, staged, and lighted for optics.
You don’t get to play “who pays attention to the background?” when those optics end up terrible
— Sunny McSunnyface (@sunnyright) September 2, 2022
Visuals were clearly very important to the Biden administration. And television is, by its very nature, a visual medium. Kyle Griffin works for a television network.
And he’s telling us to just forget about the visuals.
Also, a television producer who thinks visuals aren't important? LOL.
Either fire his incompetent ass or he's lying (maybe both!).
— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel) September 2, 2022
An MSNBC producer arguing against the importance of visuals certainly explains MSNBC programming.
— T. Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) September 2, 2022
Kyle fits right in at MSNBC, most definitely. A shameless Democratic Party apologist and bootlicker … he checks all the boxes.
Oh, and he’s worth taking just as seriously as a journalist as we take MSNBC as a news network.
I assume this guy wasn't good enough or willing to work hard enough for little money to enter real Democrat politics, so he took the easy way in.
— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel) September 2, 2022
I have zero love for trump but this @kylegriffin1 moralist works for a network that talked itself into frenzied exhaustion about things just like this for 4 years. How’s this: want the content to stand out, sit behind the desk and act presidential.
— Mitchell Wexler (@MitchWex) September 2, 2022
Biden didn’t sit behind a desk, and he sure as hell didn’t act presidential.
The content of the speech was worse—but if you’re concerned that viewers will focus more on the background/optics of the speech, then maybe the President would be better served by a staff that doesn’t intentionally make the creepy background the only thing you can focus on.
— Vanessa (@Nessakins_) September 2, 2022
You’d think you’d rather us focus on the background given the dangerous and inexcusable divisiveness of his speech.
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) September 2, 2022
The evil-looking authoritarian background probably would only be vaguely noticed except it was paired with the President Of The freaking United States declaring half of Americans were freaking Threats To The Country for voting for the party that opposes him.
— Renna (@RennaW) September 2, 2022
"If you're focused on the background of President Biden's speech, then we did a lousy job of crafting our prime-time propaganda"
There. Fixed.
— Tweeting Indiscriminately (@mgcat) September 2, 2022
You know Biden really stepped in it when they're begging you not to talk about it.
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) September 2, 2022
If your speech’s optics were so bad that’s what everyone is discussing, that’s on you.
— Noam Blum (@neontaster) September 2, 2022
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