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'We're being gaslit': Must-read thread shines glaring spotlight on media's 'Wuhan virus' about-face [screenshots]

For those of you keeping score at home, it’s now racist to refer to COVID19 as the “Wuhan virus” or “Wuhan coronavirus” or “Chinese coronavirus.”


Basically, referring to the virus’ place of origin when discussing said virus is highly problematic.

Especially when you consider that the same outlets freaking about “Wuhan virus” being racist were fine calling it that until very recently.

Earlier today, AOC asked her followers for questions about COVID19:

D.C. comms strategist Drew Holden had one:

Inquiring minds want to know.


These media about-faces inspired Holden to document them in an intriguing thread:


Guess the media have their talking points. You can pry them from their cold, dead hands.



Ilhan Omar slams House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy for ‘racist’ tweet about COVID19 (Spoiler: It wasn’t racist)

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