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So DESPERATE! Kyle Griffin AND FBI Fact-NUKED for Trying to Help Biden By Claiming Crime Is 'Plummeting'


When we see posts like this from Biden water-carrier Kyle Griffin we have to wonder if their other efforts around birth control and abortion are failing to produce the results they want in Biden's approval numbers. As we all know, they keep going down.


Suppose if this were real it would be excellent news not only for America but for Biden.

Unfortunately, these stats are complete and total BS.

But nice try, Kyle.

About that ...

You can't really show what's happening in various cities when they flat-out stopped reporting crime. 


That being said, the fact it's still THAT high when we know left-wing cities aren't even bothering to report crime says a lot about Biden's America and NONE of it any good.


Bonchie isn't about to let Griffin or the FBI off the hook ... ya' love to see it.

Something like that.

They have no problem sleeping at night because they don't care about the truth, they just care about pushing a narrative.

Yeah, that's not a good thing.


We're willing to bet it goes up.



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