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Conservative woman takes Biden and his unlawful power grab with student loan debt APART in BRUTAL thread

Now, let’s be clear …

Folks, anytime a politician (or a politician’s lame summer intern) uses those words, you should know everything that follows is complete and total BS. If they throw in a ‘folks’ with that? Double the BS. See what we did there? Heh.


Case in point:

They love pretending PPP loans and student loans are the same thing.

Oh, they know they’re not but they also know their young supporters who voted for Biden because he promised to make others pay for their school loan debt don’t know they’re not the same thing. And it’s easy to convince them big mean Republicans are being well, big and mean.

Luckily, Twitchy favorite @IzaBooboo was front and center to take this tweet and Biden’s admin in general apart.

Take a look:

BIG difference.


So he vetoed a law proving he does not have the ability to do what he wants to do via EO.

Keep in mind, if that bill made it to his desk it had to be bipartisan.

And he vetoed it.

Who’s the authoritarian again? Wow.

He’s acting like a dictator.

You know, the very thing the Left (and sadly some on the Right) have accused Trump, DeSantis, and other Republicans of being.

There are many things this guy should be impeached from office over.

Hell, we’ve lost count.

Hence, ‘Executive.’

Not Legislate.


Impeach. Seriously.

Ain’t THAT the truth?

Biden knows he can’t do this, it’s all about campaigning.



Hollaria Briden and others DRAG ghoul Sharon Waxman for Gigi Levangie hit piece and she just can’t DEAL

Now, THIS is embarrassing: Morgan J. Freeman OWNED by Community Notes (LOL, he pinned the debunked tweet)

HUGE if true –> Receipt-filled thread suggests SHOCKING claims about the FBI, China, and our elections


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