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‘Looks like a hostage video’: Macy Gray bends the knee, walks her comments back about trans-women (watch)

As Twitchy readers know, Macy Gray was honest about the reality of what does and does not make a woman, daring to go against the crazy and regular people CHEERED. Until of course she caved, bent the knee, and walked it all back.


You know when famous people say, ‘It was a huge learning experience for me,’ they just can’t deal with the hate being thrown their way.

How disappointing.



And of course, this won’t be enough for the woke mob and they’ll continue to be mad at her and now the people who supported her for being sane will be disappointed in her so she just made things worse.

This is why you NEVER bend the knee.

But how DARE SHE?!


That’s what the mob does.

They bully.

And then pretend THEY’RE the victims.

The Left loves to bully and intimidate.

It’s all they know.



Blue-check prof claims SCOTUS ‘out of touch with majority of democratic Europe’, SCHOOLED on why that doesn’t mean jack or SQUAT

Nothing to see here! Greg Price highlights point-by-point the parts Joe Biden has played in Hunter Biden’s sleazy dealings and HOOBOY

‘Shameful and embarrassing’: As of 7:50 am D.C. time, Biden’s White House has said nothing about Shinzo Abe’s assassination (but Trump has); Updated

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