Is ‘Pride Month’ doing more harm than good? Creating more resentment than tolerance?
John Hayward put together a brutally honest thread about Pride Month and the absolute constant messaging being plastered all over from corporations and even the government. It’s one thing to raise awareness, it’s something else entirely when no matter where Americans look, they are inundated with the same message.
His thread says it WAY better than we can:
Nobody involved will want to hear this, but all this Pride Month stuff blasting from every branch of the government and military, plus every corporation and media outlet, is totalitarian. It's the definition of totalitarianism, in fact: no-escape political messaging.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) June 2, 2022
The fact nobody involved will want to hear it is just another reason to put it out there. When the Marines share an image of rainbow-colored bullets to celebrate Pride Month? Yeah, this is no-escape political messaging.
He continued:
The character of totalitarianism does not change because the people pushing are firmly convinced they are Good People whose political messages are Absolutely Correct and could only be challenged by Bad People. EVERY totalitarian thinks that way. It's basic operating system code.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) June 2, 2022
EVERY totalitarian thinks they’re good people pushing the correct message.
That doesn’t stop them from being totalitarians.
Totalitarianism is the politicization of everything, and one of its goals is to ensure its messages are inescapable. No one is allowed to resist or argue – or even to ignore the Approved Message and peacefully get on with their lives. Everyone is required to care.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) June 2, 2022
Everyone is required to care.
And if you don’t?
The totalitarian message blasts from every corner of life, floating in every nook and cranny, pumped into adults and children. You see it everywhere you look. Blind yourself, and it will be pumped into your ears. There are no "safe spaces" from the Official Narrative.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) June 2, 2022
No safe spaces from the official narrative.
This is such a great thread.
A good way to see the full outline of totalitarian machinery is to imagine programming it with other messages – good ideas supported by the majority of the people – and imagine how the Ruling Class would howl with outrage. Only THEY get to decide what Everyone Must Care About.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) June 2, 2022
Ruling Class.
Funny how they pretend they’re being oppressed.
The Politicization of Everything should not become more palatable because a given movement thinks it would be an effective way to spread Good Ideas and Raise Awareness. The 1st Amendment prohibition against state religion was, in part, an effort to head off that kind of thinking.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) June 2, 2022
Mind. Blown.
A healthy society has room for everyone to express their ideas – and also to choose which expressions they wish to listen to. It has political freedom, and also freedom from politics. It's not just an endless scramble for control of an ideological bulldozer. /end
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) June 2, 2022
Wouldn’t it be nice to be a healthy society again?
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