Oh, shocker, Glenn Kessler is defending Biden.
Gosh, how factual of him and stuff.
Don’t worry folks, just because we haven’t seen inflation like we’re seeing since 2008 and gas prices are SOARING doesn’t mean any of it is the president’s fault. Sure, these same fact-checkers spent the last four years blaming Trump if a neighbor farted BUT you know, this whole gas thing is definitely not ol’ Joe’s doing.
Hey, a fact-check from WaPo never lies.
New #FactChecker –> The bogus GOP claim that Biden is responsible for higher gasoline prices https://t.co/5jsBgA8dRr
— Glenn Kessler (@GlennKesslerWP) July 13, 2021
Usually, this is where we share a snippet of the article we’re talking about but we just can’t bring ourselves to do it. If you want to read Glenn’s drivel the link is in his tweet.
You've already exposed yourself as a partisan hack. This does nothing to change my opinion of you.
— Fusilli Spock (@awstar11) July 13, 2021
If Trump was in office, you would be blaming Presidential policies
He's shutting down domestic oil production, while OPEC raises prices.
— Shay Patrick Cormac (@ShayCormac_1) July 13, 2021
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) July 13, 2021
This isn't fact checking. This is gaslighting and you should be ashamed. You have absolutely no integrity.
— 🙄Erin 🤔 (@MsErinMurray) July 13, 2021
He knows.
He just doesn’t care.
— David Stilwell (@Stillsmack) July 13, 2021
True story.
Oh look… pic.twitter.com/tCThU75FbP
— Simulated Dr. Evan, Ph.d. in Placation, 187 ASVAB (@LizardKing1893) July 13, 2021
I'm sure canceling the XL Pipeline had nothing to do with gas futures and the dip in supply…
— Dominic (@RollingStampede) July 13, 2021
Of course not.
It was the extra Diet Coke Trump had three years ago … that’s what really did it.
When I grow up I want to be paid to be as horrible at my job as Glenn Kessler.
— theRoddick (@theRoddick) July 13, 2021
Washington Post could be hiring, ya’ never know.
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