According to TakeChargeMN’s Twitter bio, they are working together to: inspire and educate Black and other minority communities of their full rights and privileges as Americans granted to them in the Constitution. If you are interested in learning more about this organization you can find their entire website (which includes their board and mission) here.
In the meantime, we’ll highlight a tweet that Breitbart News brought to our attention that illustrates their fight against Critical Race Theory:
Proponents of CRT like to use racial income disparities to justify their agenda. What they don't tell you is that there's a direct correlation between intact families & household income. One thing progressives disdain more than a gas guzzling SUV–the traditional nuclear family.
— TakeCharge (@TakeChargeMN) May 19, 2021
Progressives always want to talk about the ‘root cause’ of violence or poverty UNTIL they have to admit it has anything to do with the nuclear, traditional family, and the lack thereof in certain communities.
A black group that opposes Critical Race Theory (CRT) is fighting back against the woke nonsense with data and logic.
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) May 24, 2021
From Breitbart:
The group cited a 2019 study conducted at the Institute for Family Studies (IFS) that found unstable family structure, including chaotic households and single-parent homes, is a primary factor in racial disparities in school behavior and suspensions.
Breitbart News reported the study’s authors asserted education policymakers “must recognize that social and psychological problems in youth may manifest themselves at school but have their origins in family situations over which the school has little or no control.”
Proponents of CRT are quick to make the accusation that “systemic racism” and “white supremacy” are the cause of racial disparities in school discipline.
Proponents of CRT are quick to blame systemic racism and white supremacy.
That sounds pretty freakin’ familiar, don’t it?
More sanity is what we need.
— Andy (@AndyGeeDe) May 24, 2021
A true thing has never been tweeted.
Here's an updated chart with the most recent 2019 data. Same story, same pattern.
— Mark J. Perry (@Mark_J_Perry) May 24, 2021
Same results.
And using Critical Race Theory to blame ‘systemic racism’ instead of looking at the reality of this data is a copout.
Sorry, not sorry.
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