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Dude, WTF?! What Chris Cuomo suggests needs to take place for police reform to happen sounds like a threat (and umm, pretty damn racist)

Chris Cuomo has said some stupid things before. Heck, his entire brand is, ‘Look at me, I’m the dumbest guy (except for Don Lemon) on TV! YIPPPEEEEE!’ So you know when something he says stands out, it is extraordinarily stupid.


Like claiming more white people’s kids need to die in order for police reform to take place.

No, seriously.


Chris is desperate for ratings – he’s tanking. But this was just bad.

From Fox News:

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Friday during “Cuomo Primetime” said that police and gun reform won’t happen until “White people’s kids start getting killed.”

“Shootings, gun laws, access to weapons. Oh, I know when they’ll change,” said the anchor. “[When] your kids start getting killed. White people’s kids start getting killed.”

Cuomo put on a hypothetical accent and pretended to be a White parent. “What’s going on with these police? Maybe we shouldn’t even have police,” he said.

“That kind of madness. That kind of mania. That will be you. That will be the majority. Because it’s your people,” Cuomo said, apparently directed at the White members of his audience.


Huh again.

Imagine if Chris had actually bothered to research this before spouting out something really stupid for attention.

So is Chris saying that even though no other race is killed by the police more than white people that more white people’s kids need to die for police reform to happen? That seems pretty dark, Fredo.

This just happened but sure, Chris, you’re onto something here.

He hasn’t a CLUE.

As usual.

It does indeed sound a little threatening.

This too.


This is an insult to fruitcakes EVERYWHERE.




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