Writing this story after we just covered a report that shows the media has spent 150x more time reporting negatively on Trump than Biden … The Independent’s timing couldn’t have been better.
And give us a break with calling themselves, ‘independent.’
What a joke.
Melania repeatedly refuses to hold Donald Trump's hand in excruciating clip pic.twitter.com/opYC3VHdv7
— The Independent (@Independent) August 17, 2020
Looks to us like it’s windy and she’s trying to keep from dropping her purse and her dress from flying up.
But you know, pretending the First Lady won’t hold Trump’s hand is such a big story.
What a bunch of a maroons.
They just can’t leave Melania alone.
Anyone with a functioning brain can clearly SEE that she is HOLDING HER PURSE w/her left hand, trying to grab onto the railing w/the other hand, it's VERY WINDY, while trying to keep her dress from blowing up towards her! POTUS sees this within seconds. STOP with the lies, media!
— *Caroline* (@SicilianGirl208) August 17, 2020
Moronic desperate media. We see you #livestock
— ?? Ruizfam ?? (@Melusethia) August 17, 2020
Though I don’t like the man, it appears she is trying to keep her balance and hold her dress in place while also holding her bag and handrail. This “analysis” you offer cheapens your establishment and damages your credibility.
— Kyriakos C. (@KyriakosC) August 17, 2020
Even someone who doesn’t like Trump can see the truth in this clip.
She held his hand minutes later. Let's talk about the tens of thousands of Americans who would have loved to have someone holding their hand as they lay alone in hospitals dying of covid instead.
— DustyP is tired of this $h!t (@MasterDPhilly) August 17, 2020
She holds his hand once they get to the bottom
— jb (@toast1200) August 17, 2020
The independent!? Really?
— Alya Flo (@AlyaFlo) August 17, 2020
I hate them both, but I think she was trying to hold her dress down
— tntmay18 (@tntmay18) August 17, 2020
She is protecting her blouse from strong wind when coming out of the airplane. Bias headline.
— Dalton Sembiring (@DaltonSembiring) August 17, 2020
Only idiots would think otherwise.
Which says a lot about their claim in the first place.