No wonder they want to keep Joe Biden in the basement.
Latinos have diversity of thought unlike black people who all think alike, says Joe Biden.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 6, 2020
Can’t. Make. This. Crap. Up.
Apparently, the African American community isn’t very diverse.
At least according to Joe who spent a large portion of his life celebrating Robert Byrd who just so happens to have been an Exalted Cyclops in the Klan. Can you imagine if any Republican said something this stupid?!
Jesse Kelly can:
Just so we’re clear, what Joe Biden said in this 15 second video is more racist than anything Donald Trump has ever said in his life. Ever. It’s not even close.
If a Republican or corporate CEO said this, he’d have been forced to resign before lunch today.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) August 6, 2020
Oh yeah, they’d have already resigned, begged for forgiveness, blamed Trump for making them racist, and actively be working on removing their family from the country.
But since it’s Joe …
Dude is either trying to lose the election or the Dems are saying “we’re gonna run the absolute worst candidate possible and cheat to win, and there ain’t shit you can do about it”.
— Anthony (@Antrob8) August 6, 2020
— D.K. HaveANiceDay? (@DeniseK_USA) August 6, 2020
Without a doubt. My jaw fell open when I heard this. And I am immune to almost all political nonsense.
— Matthew Betley (@MatthewBetley) August 6, 2020
Gee why don’t they want him to debate Trump?
— Christie007 (@ChristieinSoCal) August 6, 2020
Maybe this will be excuse to replace him
— IveGotThis (@ivegotthisK) August 6, 2020
If the whole, ‘If you don’t vote for me then you ain’t black’ debacle didn’t do it, this won’t either. One of his advisors will show up here on Twitter soon explaining it all away.
Did he just say what I thought he did? ? Is that really what he meant to say?
— PonderinStuff (@PonderinStuff) August 6, 2020
Needs to be posted on all platforms over and over and over again. This is the democrat party.
— Matt (@TXMatt1110) August 6, 2020
Poor Joe keeps making the assumption that it's ok to say what he really thinks.
— John Coctostan (@RealCoctostan) August 6, 2020
Before breakfast!!
— nej_socal (@nej_socal) August 6, 2020
Biden thinks blacks don't have a diversity of thought because if they don't vote for him they aren't black.
— Rob Hill (@Rob_N_SoCal) August 6, 2020
Just gets worse and worse.
Trump says thanks, Democrats.
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