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Mary Katharine Ham Wonders How to Get Through to 'Impervious' Joe Biden
BREAKING: Did Don Winslow Try to Extort Senator Warner on Twitter/X?
Friday Night Fun! Watch as Glacier View, Alaska Celebrates Independence Day in Truly...
'Critically Wounded': Megyn Kelly Says What We're ALL Thinking About Biden and His...
Biden Takes Swipe at Democratic Senator Warner with False Claim Forcing His Campaign...
Elon Musk: Those Who Oppose SAVE Act Are Traitors (Will Saying What Happens...
Joe Biden Apparently Believes He 'Shut Down' Putin but That's News to the...
WATCH: Democrat Activist Makes ANOTHER Awesome Trump Ad That'll Make You Vote for...
'Are They Really THAT Stupid?' Pro-Abortion Leftists Celebrate July 4th With the WORST...
As Proof of How Well His Campaign Is Going, Biden Gets Trolled by...
WATCH: Biden's Interview With George Stephanopoulos Is Really, REALLY Bad (Here's Just ONE...
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'So sorry this is happening to you!' MSNBC hack just can't DEAL with pic of Kayleigh Enany's briefing materials

Remember when these same a*sholes harassed Josh Earnest all of the time as well?

Oh, wait.

They didn’t.

Man, Kayleigh McEnany gets under their skin almost as badly as Sarah did … almost. Between the line they took out of context to make her look stupid about science and schools to this ridiculousness about her being organized and able to answer any question during a presser, they’ve really let their masks slip.



What is it with Lefties flipping out over binders? Is it some sort of anti-organization thing with them?

Seriously, they just need to get a freakin’ grip.

The fact that he’s pictured using his cat as a mask tells us a whole lot.



This. ^



And they wonder why we hate them.

What he said.

Imagine thinking someone being prepared for their job is a bad thing. *eye roll*



BuzzFeed piece about poor teachers threatening to quit rather than ‘put their lives at risk’ BACKFIRES, only makes them look WORSE

HUUUUUGE! –> Sources inside Trump admin confirm CDC misreporting COVID data to inflate the numbers

‘What HAPPENED to you?!’ Soledad O’Brien under FIRE for telling tweep who lost a family member to COVID to ‘go away’

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