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Frame of Reference: President Trump’s Defiant Mugshot Now Greets Visitors to the Oval...
Ice Scream: Parent Co. Tells Lefty Ben & Jerry’s to Chill Out and...
Did New York Governor Kathy Hochul Just Vow to Protect Abortion Pill Drug...
Only the Lonely: Survey Finds Leftist Women Loneliest and Least Satisfied With Their...
VP Vance May Never Recover from This! PA Democrat Rep. Houlahan isn't Mad,...
OOF! Morgan Freeman (Not That One) and His Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very...
PERFECT! Oklahoma Gov Describes What Happened After the Mental Health Dept. Banned Email...
Gentlemen's Agreement: Watch Tom Homan Hold Eric Adams to His Promise of Restoring...
Canadian Author Vows to Stop Canadian Tourism, but Floridians Beg Him to Save...
Death By CRINGE: FactPost's Valentine's Day Tweet Takes 'The Left Can't Meme' to...
She's SO MAD! Watch New York AG Letitia James RAGE Against Trump Cutting...
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President Trump Called in 'Beautiful Accent' Reinforcements and the Memes Are Outstanding

Hello karma our old friend: CNN crew 'attacked' while recording ‘peaceful protesters’ destroying a Wendy’s in Atlanta (watch)

Guess these so-called peaceful protesters didn’t want CNN filming them looting and destroying a Wendys in Atlanta.

Don’t they realize the more they loot and set fires the more justice is being served up or something?



Their chyron says they were ‘harassed’.

Pretty sure ‘getting aggressive and destroying a camera’ is a teensy bit more than harassment.


Wouldn’t hold your breath.

They tried to destroy CNN headquarters and we have yet to see them get ‘honest’ about what is really happening in this country because their hatred of Trump is all that matters.


Whoda thunk it?



Unicorn Riot’s pearl-clutching thread on RACIST WHITE VIGILANTES in South Philly protecting Columbus statue accidentally hilarious

Summer of LOVE –> Group of white CHAZIANS hurl slurs and insults at black man carrying American flag, chase him off (watch)

‘You probably don’t have any black friends’: Rob Smith makes his OWN #ITakeResponsibility video and OMG-LOL (watch)

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