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WAAAY better than the original: Parody of celebrities singing 'Imagine' the funniest damn thing you'll see today (watch)

Earlier this week, as millions of Americans were going under lockdown and scared about losing the jobs and homes and their livelihoods, a bunch of celebrities took it upon themselves to sing ‘Imagine’ for the little people. And as you can imagine, plenty of people thought it was annoying, stupid, sanctimonious crap.


Which is what likely led to this rendition of ‘Imagine.’









And my garage is filled with toilet paper.

That’s such a great finish although the bit about cleaning the sink was pretty damn good as well.




Now this is a version of ‘Imagine’ we can get behind right now. Heh.



What media SHOULD be reporting –> Brit Hume shares ANOTHER daily dose of reality with fact-filled thread from U.S. Surgeon General

Target toothbrush grifter David Leavitt sharing video of alleged Trump supporter hoarding paper goods BACKFIRES (watch)

‘But did you READ it though?’ Blue check rages at Hobby Lobby in anti-Christian thread based on company letter she clearly did NOT read

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