Bernie Sanders is 78 years old.
So that means if by some strange miracle he was elected this year he’d be 79 years old at the beginning of his presidency.
What can we say? Socialists love their crazy, old, rich, white guys.
Ben Shapiro was quick with a zinger after Bernie shared his anti-Trump NAFTA ad:
If you're trying to prove you're too old to be president, saying that 250 pages is something you can "barely lift" is a good way to do it.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) January 17, 2020
Bernie meet optics. Optics meet Bernie.
Bernie is the wrong man at the wrong time to be #DogCatcher; let alone President of the United States!
— David Benjamin (@thetoyman1) January 17, 2020
He could barely walk off the stage after arguing with @ewarren the other night.
Poor guy look exhausted.
— #OathKeeper (@Votegoat1) January 17, 2020
To be fair, if Elizabeth Warren was getting in this editor’s space like she did with Bernie she might be exhausted as well.
Manufactured outrage on Bernie's part.
— Luc, not Luke. (@UnClaimedJoe) January 17, 2020
That’s all socialists … err sorry … Democrats have.
Give him a break. The only book he's ever read was the 23-page Communist Manifesto.
— Jeremiah Ward (@WardJerryR) January 17, 2020
Why would anyone expect a trade deal to mention climate change?
— Jane Galt (@WhoisJaneGalt) January 17, 2020
Hey, respect your elders ?
— Joanne DiGeso (@sommwine) January 17, 2020
Annnd we’re done.
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