Texas Representative Matt Schaefer’s thread talking about what he will and will NOT do when it comes to gun control has well and truly triggered the Left. Note to Chris Hayes, THIS is what triggered looks like, not a bunch of Conservatives making fun of you for saying something really stupid about the electoral college.
First, let’s take a look at Matt’s thread:
“Do something!” is the statement we keep hearing. As an elected official with a vote in Austin, let me tell you what I am NOT going to do. 1/6
— Matt Schaefer (@RepMattSchaefer) September 1, 2019
Here we go.
I am NOT going to use the evil acts of a handful of people to diminish the God-given rights of my fellow Texans. Period. None of these so-called gun-control solutions will work to stop a person with evil intent. 2/6
— Matt Schaefer (@RepMattSchaefer) September 1, 2019
Welp, now he’s gone and done it.
Mentioning God?!
You know the instant they saw this the screeching started …
He continued:
I say NO to “red flag” pre-crime laws. NO to universal background checks. NO to bans on AR-15s, or high capacity magazines. NO to mandatory gun buybacks. 3/6
— Matt Schaefer (@RepMattSchaefer) September 1, 2019
This is Texas, folks. Just sayin’.
What can we do? YES to praying for victims. YES to praying for protection. YES to praying that God would transform the hearts of people with evil intent. YES to fathers not leaving their wives and children. YES to discipline in the homes. 4/6
— Matt Schaefer (@RepMattSchaefer) September 1, 2019
Ruh-roh, more God stuff.
Did we mention this thread triggered the Left?
YES to supporting our public schools. YES to giving every law-abiding single mom the right to carry a handgun to protect her and her kids without permission from the state, and the same for all other law-abiding Texans of age. 5/6
— Matt Schaefer (@RepMattSchaefer) September 1, 2019
YES to your God-given, constitutionally protected rights. YES to God, and NO to more government intrusions. 6/6
— Matt Schaefer (@RepMattSchaefer) September 1, 2019
God bless Texas.
You guys, you gotta see this explosion for yourselves to truly appreciate it (he’s trending), but we did our best to grab what we could.
So yes to more killings, just to sum up your no/yes litany
— John Legend (@johnlegend) September 1, 2019
Watching Republicans grovel to the gun lobby is like watching a stripper work the pole.
— Nefarious Means (@MeansNefarious) September 1, 2019
Gun lobby.
Or, and hear us out, they understand it is our inherent right to bear arms.
Crazy, right?
Thanks for letting me know your immoral stance. I’ll be sure to donate to your opponent. #DoNothingSchaefer
— P-Trish (@p_trish529) September 1, 2019
It’s Texas.
Good luck with that.
This bastardization of religion is a manipulative tactic used to justify the appeasement of the NRA and the lobbyist groups that pay you to protect their interests. If you truly believed in god, then you should be absolutely terrified for your soul.
— Lola Anne (@LolaAnne13) September 1, 2019
You definitely should resign. Your theocratic embrace of inaction is an embarrassment to all Texans.
— Brandon Friedman (@BFriedmanDC) September 1, 2019
Written by someone who obviously doesn’t know many Texans.
You’re mad. And I hope Texans will put every last thought, prayer, action, and vote toward removing every bloodthirsty politician like you who mistakes the ownership of a weapon of war as a God-given right.
You’re sick.
— Josh Williams ? (@jw) September 1, 2019
does the NRA pay you per tweet or do they just give you a base salary
— kevin (@KevINthe406) September 1, 2019
A whole buck 95!
So, @RepMattSchaefer from the great state of Texas says a resounding YES to #MassShootings #TexasMassShooting. Thanks so much for your service. I hope it will be very short-lived.
— Jen asks, WTF? (@JennyTXDem) September 1, 2019
Not what he said but …
Or Maybe don't use a 2000 y.o. Book to dictate your life?
— Katleho (@Kat_makumane) September 1, 2019
Think Matt knew how badly they’d lose their shiznit?
Think he cares?
Well … BYE: Harvard-bound David Hogg’s latest demand around gun control goes ALL SORTS of wrong
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