When 185k people ‘like’ a thread as ridiculous as this from Dylan you know it’s time to weep for this country.
Full transparency, we have no idea who Dylan is and we probably wouldn’t care if he hadn’t written such a silly thread after the Philadelphia shooting.
Take a gander.
I just watched at least 50 cops in Philadelphia struggle to stop a single active shooter on the news just now.
Can we stop this “good guys with a gun” bullshit now? It’s a myth.
— Dylan (@dyllyp) August 15, 2019
What does this have to do with the a-hole in Philadelphia shooting a bunch of cops? Is he saying a good guy with a gun should have protected the cops?
This is just an odd take.
Arming your 9th grader’s 60-year-old social studies teacher is definitely going to prevent school shootings.
— Dylan (@dyllyp) August 15, 2019
If that 60-year-old social studies teacher is trained to carry yes, they could prevent a school shooting.
Listen, if we armed cops with violent videogames, none of this would’ve been a problem.
— Dylan (@dyllyp) August 15, 2019
And now the video game dig.
You know that face you make when you can’t decide if you should watch ‘Rick and Morty’ or ‘Lucifer’ reruns? Yeah, just made that face.
Yeah that’s enough for today pic.twitter.com/4uCtAqh4JV
— Dylan (@dyllyp) August 15, 2019
That’ll teach people!
For a bunch of tough guys playing citizen soldier with your AR-15s and your cargo shorts, you sure are a bunch of whiny little bitches. But you MAGA-hat-wearing-boot-licking-gun-toting dickheads can keep crying in my mentions and I’ll just be over here enjoying my day pic.twitter.com/wWBBi49HPc
— Dylan (@dyllyp) August 15, 2019
Literally (we know, you love that word) none of the tweets in his thread actually mean anything … but hey, if this makes him feel somehow tougher then more power to him.
So, you think they would have been more successful if they had offered him a hot chocolate and let him cry on their shoulders?
— TNCannuck (@TNCannuck) August 16, 2019
— David Cole Grey (@greycole05) August 16, 2019
Jesus Christ, you're an abject moron.
This is one of the dumbest damn takes I've seen on anything in quite some time. It completely ignores the actual situation in order to fit your asinine position.
Kindly piss off.https://t.co/PmMy57eSQS
— BonkPolitics (@BonkPolitics) August 15, 2019
— D██d Boa█an, F██ ███ ██site (@DDBoarman) August 16, 2019
Or that Philly PD has really poor training.
— Hong Kong Donger (@atlharp) August 16, 2019
And who won?
— The Red-Headed Libertarian (@TRHLofficial) August 15, 2019
— Pikapool, the Snarky Jackhole Pokémon (@LoneWolf2965) August 16, 2019
— Name cannot be blank (@str8whtdude) August 16, 2019
Don’t ask, we’re not entirely sure Dylan himself knows.
Myth? Is it an origin myth or hero myth?
If you believe what your tweeting then why not advocate truly disarming America and disarm police as well?
— Jean Paul Zodeaux (@JeanPaulZodeaux) August 16, 2019
I dunno, as a total body of work I think armed citizens win. #2A pic.twitter.com/7h4u93Bkxr
— PUNITIVE JACKET?? (@JacketNation) August 16, 2019
— ??Laurie ?? (@Jeaf79Lynn) August 15, 2019
There it is.
Use your words, you old bag.
— Dylan (@dyllyp) August 15, 2019
‘You old bag.’
Yeah, he’s a charmer.
Of course, you knew that already since Twitter bestowed their ‘yup, they’re a douchebag’ blue checkmark upon him.
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