Yeah, this tweet-tantrum from Pardes Seleh is bait.
We know it and you know it.
But since we covered her original ‘hot take’ about housewives and stay at home moms a couple of days ago we thought we’d better follow up … so here we are.
How dare these women who are proof that her entire take was a hot mess speak out against her! Who do they think they are?
Note, it would appear Pardes deleted all of her tweets and unfollowed a bunch of people after this last ‘incident’ because she wanted to detox. We’re not entirely sure that whole detox worked out for her though.
sheep. they wont even look for context and will look to the herd for direction on how to react
zero brains
and oh self righteous and insufferable as all hell
— Pardes Seleh (@PardesSeleh) May 31, 2019
Yes. There was definitely someone involved with zero brains but we’re pretty sure it wasn’t the women who called Pardes out.
hall monitor conservatives are every bad stereotype attributed to the right yet somehow fit perfectly well in dc
— Pardes Seleh (@PardesSeleh) May 31, 2019
Hall Monitor Conservatives.
Guess how this went over?
You implied that in order to know the value of a dollar you have to be working. That’s simply a gross over generalization. Not to mention, how many housewives do you know who never ever worked a day in their lives? Frankly, I think hard working dads should also be offended here.
— Lady Demosthenes (@LadyGrammarian) May 31, 2019
If your message was misunderstood, especially by so many, it’s more graceful to assume you didn’t articulate yourself well instead of declaring everyone else clueless, sheep, and sanctimonious. ??♀️
— Lady Demosthenes (@LadyGrammarian) May 31, 2019
Lady Demosthenes meet Twitter.
Twitter meet Lady Demosthenes.
What the hell is going on with her? She was actually a decent follow at one point. It's like her account has been taken over by her insufferable 15yo sister. She even types differently
(Excellent takedown, btw, Lady D)
— ? Bryan O'Nolan ? (@BryanONolan) May 31, 2019
No idea.
Not to mention, re this piece of nastiness, she seems to think that women who marry straight out of HS or college without having worked can't grasp the value of a dollar. Does she think women are idiots? Or that their work as homemakers is not real work?
— Ms. Meggy Mish (@meggymish) May 31, 2019
Now now, don’t twist her words.
“Hey women, subscribe to my YouTube channel!”
— Christie (@RepRepublic) May 31, 2019
Right? It seems to us a strange way to try and gain an audience but what do we know?
What you said was kinda stupid so, whatever.
— Madame A-Damn-Merica ?? (@MadameAmerica) May 31, 2019
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