Late last week Eric Holder was crapping on America.
Yeah, we know, shocker. We get it, it’s his thing to pretend he doesn’t live in the greatest country in the world but COME ON, man. Imagine being so absolutely bitter and angry that you openly crap on the country that has given you everything.
Democrats, right?
Vice President Mike Pence owned Holder on Twitter … in just one tweet with four perfect pictures.
.@EricHolder: “Exactly when do you think America was great?”
— Vice President Mike Pence (@VP) March 28, 2019
You guys think Trump is influencing Pence a little bit on Twitter? Just a bit?
It’s awesome to see him punching back for a change.
And these pictures illustrate so much about what is good and true in this country, and the fact Holder and his ilk keep claiming otherwise just proves they’re an ungrateful bunch of crybabies who will never be happy because outrage and victimhood is their bread and butter.
Heck yeah! ??❤ ? (Take note, Holder, you weasel. I believe you missed some history classes. A LOT of them.)
— Kelli (@KelliNBama) March 30, 2019
Weasel could well be his official nickname these days.
Always and forever, Mr Vice President.
— Nomad actual (@SWATdoc1911A1) March 31, 2019
We have been great since Day-1.
— Patrick Klocek (@PJKlocek) April 1, 2019
Hell YEAH we have always been great.
And don’t let anyone tell you any different.
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