For months now we’ve listened as AOC and this new crop of Democrats spread fear and rhetoric about how the world will END IN 12 YEARS (or would that be 11 YEARS and nine months now?) if we don’t give up planes and hamburgers and accept the magical GREEN NEW DEAL.
And for months we’ve been making fun of these same people claiming the end is nigh so they can control how we live.
If you ever wanted a serious history lesson about this ‘Green New Deal’ and ultimately about how Democrats function (and how damn sneaky they are), look no further than this lengthy but entirely worthwhile thread from @ScotsFyre.
The #GreenNewDeal is a hot pile of garbage IMHO. In the name of the environment, it upends our economic system and encodes a bunch of social justice twaddle that has little to with any definition of "justice" ever. Lots of chest thumping about who is responsible for this /1
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
Social justice twaddle.
monstrosity. But seriously, where did it come from? Especially this WWII mobilization crap? Well, it was NOT Best Supporting Actress Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the Justice Democrats or Bernie Sanders. Let's take a little trip, shall we? /2
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
So wait, climate change isn’t just an AOC thing? GTFO!
Here is Michael Harrington, founder of the DSA in 1988. He is basically saying danger leads to the opportunity to implement large scale government programs. The idea that a crisis is required to push the far left's agenda is not new. /3
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
Looks a little bit like Bill Nye’s grandpa.
Unfortunately, for them, these large scale crises have not materialized. And the financial collapse he predicted did not happen. Now we have a climate crisis carefully placed in the mid-range future, for the 10th time. It's honestly like a bad rerun. /4
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
10th time?
However, the first time a wartime mobilization was proposed, was by a policy analyst, Lester Brown, in the Department of Agriculture. He was really worried about the Chinese having enough to eat. As late as 2012 he was writing about food scarcity. /5
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
Studies are showing that as Chinese citizens make economic gains, their diet improves. They no longer have to rely on solely local food sources and agriculture techniques have improved dramatically. But even the Chinese eating better is now problematic. /6
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
Anyway, next, Canadian professor Dennis Bartels published the first academic paper discussing climate mobilization in 2001. Brown’s 2009 book, “Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization,” calls for a WWII-scale mobilization that reduces global emissions 80% by 2020. /7
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
In the meantime, in a 2007 campaign speech, Hillary Clinton said, “For this generation of Americans, climate change is our Space Race. It is our home front mobilization during World War II and it is our response to the Great Depression trying to express the urgency. /8
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
Awww, there’s ol’ Cankles, doing her part.
Of course, Al Gore got in on the action. In 2008 he compared the “battle against climate change to fighting the Nazis during World War II,” in a speech. Hey, he won a Noble Peace Prize for being 100% wrong, so we should listen right? /9
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
HA! We totally forgot he won … what a silly award that’s turned into.
The rhetoric continued, but the first time a Green New Deal was proposed in a national political campaign was Jill Stein in 2012. In a tweet, she claimed the idea originated with a perennial gubernatorial candidate in NY in 2010. /10
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
Here is some background on Howie Huber. In his run for Governor in 2010 where he proposed a like policy, The Socialist Party of New York endorsed him. Shocking, right? /11
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
We feel shocked.
Back to Jill Stein. Here she is on CSPAN discussing her central proposal in her campaign for President, the Green New Deal. It also calls for Medicare for all and eliminating private insurance. As well as free college tuition. /12
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
This sounds strangely familiar.
Here is her campaign video. Stein was using a jobs crisis and a climate crisis as the basis of her proposal. You'll note AOC still tries to do this with jobs and it is pretty much a non-starter. /13
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
In 2016 she continued to push the Green New Deal as a policy proposal. Here is her 2016 campaign site that outlines the policy. Does it look familiar to you? /14
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
Bernie Sanders was also running that year. His campaign centered around income inequality. While he had shown concern for global warming and supported the Paris Accords and reduction in the use of fossil fuels, there was no proposal on the scale of Stein's. /15
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
The first time it showed up as an actual proposal in Washington D.C. was when Best Supporting Actress Alexandria Ocasio Cortez hamfistedly shoved it in our faces. Now I challenge you do you see any daylight between this: /16
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
Sidenote, AOC and her Chief of Staff have reportedly been de-listed from the Justice Democrats.
And Jill Stein's rhetoric in 20102 and 2016? Or how about this from the Democratic Socialists of America Ecosocialists working group? /17
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
So, don't you have to ask yourself, how did the central policy platform of a fringe party candidate in 2012 become a mainstream proposal embraced by Democrat candidates in the presidential primary? How did the DEMOCRATS get taken over by Jill Stein? /18
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
Here's what Bernie and some Bernie Bros had to say after the 2016 primary: /19
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
Mobilizing millions of people to implement the most progressive Democratic platform ever. So what did they do? These same Bernie Bros formed a Brand New Congress and the Justice Democrats. Electing AOC and others. /20
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
And we’ve come full circle.
And now the mobilization is centered around the climate cabal as a cover for the upending of our energy economy and private ownership of industry. Do not ever doubt, this is about money and power. All you have to do is look at the financial gymnastics performed /21
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
by AOC and her campaign manager as well as the other Bernie bros. /22
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
The real goal is and always has been to make everyone else's life equally shitty, while garbage people like Chakrabarti enrich themselves. THEY MONETIZED ELECTIONS TO THE TUNE OF MILLIONS WHILE THEY WANT YOU TO PAY HIGHER TAXES AND GIVE UP HAMBURGERS. /23
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
They may take our planes but they will never take OUR HAMBURGERS!
How about no. And how about we endlessly hammer the fact that their central policy priorities were endorsed by socialists in New York and originally proposed nationally by a Kremlin loving, Putin defending Green candidate, Jill Stein? /2
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
We can do that.
THIS is what the Democrats have become. The DSA vision of transforming one of the major parties is nearly complete. This is because Democrats embraced their radicals rather than drawing a line at basic American ideals. Free markets, individual freedom & the Constitution. /end
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 19, 2019
And all Democrats have ever cared about is power.
‘Nuff said.
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