Nothing says ‘take us seriously’ about our concerns over a mean ol’ racist wall along the southern border like a bunch of idiots in masks ‘occupying and reclaiming’ the Border Patrol Museum and defacing a fallen agent memorial.
Yesterday, masked protestors “occupied & reclaimed” (whatever that means) the #BorderPatrol museum (non-profit entity run by volunteers) & defaced our fallen agent memorial (a very sacred monument).
I’ll let you draw your own conclusions about the hypocrisy of their actions…?
— Jason Owens, Chief Patrol Agent (@JOwensUSBP) February 17, 2019
FFS, what is WRONG with these people?!
You know what, don’t answer that, we’ll be here all day. True story, we don’t get what this does to help the discussion; do any of you want to sit down with any of these maniacs and talk about border security for real?
Yeah, us either.
Rep. Dan Crenshaw had some choice words for these yahoos though:
The extreme rhetoric surrounding the border security debate has turned radical ideas into aggressive actions. Vandalizing buildings & targeting our border agents is a fast way to discredit your argument.
Incredible that enforcing our laws is somehow seen as morally corrupt.
— Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) February 20, 2019
Dan Crenshaw 2024, just sayin’.
He’s right. Somehow wanting our borders respected and our laws obeyed has become immoral. Granted, these are the same people who believe in 57 genders (or is that states?) so it’s not like we’re dealing with the sharpest tools in the shed but still.
These people need to get a damn grip.
I feel like these types of protesters need to see therapists…really bad. ❤️
— Rochelle Wilson (@WilsonOregon) February 21, 2019
And jobs.
But yes, therapy too.
So sad the extreme people will go to.
— Gayla Welton (@gaylawelto) February 20, 2019
Just described the entire LEFT.
Good times.
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