For YEARS NOW, much of the Right has been working overtime to get rid of the notion that the party as a whole is strictly anti-LGBTQ. Sure, there are socially-conservative pockets who do not necessarily agree with LGBTQ’s lifestyles but it’s pretty rare where we see someone making a blatant, negative comment about someone’s sexuality like this one.
"Is America Ready for a Single President?" The better question: is America ready for a homosexual president? If Cory Booker turns out to be gay, he is disqualified. Cannot have a man who engages in sexually deviant behavior in the White House. @politicomag
— Bryan Fischer (@BryanJFischer) February 10, 2019
What the absolute EFF?! C’mon man … this gives the Left exactly what they want.
‘LOOK, GAY PEOPLE, we told you, the Right hates you! Vote for us!’
Carol Roth did an exceptional job of taking this tweet apart:
This is not ok. I'm no fan of Booker, but his sexual orientation is none of your business, and does not have any bearing on his or anyone's ability to lead this country.
And before you tell me about "sins", we've had plenty of adulterers, liars, etc., so save it.
— Carol Roth (@caroljsroth) February 10, 2019
Seriously. There are far scarier things about Cory Booker than who he sleeps with.
Of all the things to make Booker a bad candidate his sexual orientation doesnt even make the list.
— Sam Sawyer (@SamSawyer14) February 10, 2019
— Misty Callahan (@MistyACallahan) February 10, 2019
I'm more worried that he admitted to sexually assaulting a woman, than I am about him potentially being gay.
— Sierra Marlee (@Sierra_Marlee) February 10, 2019
Ohhh that’s right … see, even this editor had forgotten that tidbit and she writes about this stuff every day.
Holy lol, I can’t believe that’s a sincere tweet
— Adam Trahan (@AdamTrahan) February 11, 2019
Agree. Lots of reasons not to support Sen Booker but his marital status is not one of them.
— John Tintera (@JJT13) February 10, 2019
I would disqualify him for confusing a Swiss journalist for Hispanic, then apologizing for not speaking Swiss.
We’ve had enough Idiocracy in our government lately.
— Russ Erickson (@Russ_Erickson) February 11, 2019
This will be the "go to" tweet for the left
— Stands With A Smile (@MAldersonJr) February 10, 2019
I really wish the Right would drive out the judgemental bleating and just be a coalition of people who believe in markets.
The obnoxious family values stuff is so odious – it's fine to believe in those things, but stop trying to force everyone else to.
— Kayvan Rezaiezadeh (@sweet_tweet_man) February 10, 2019
Yeah I don't care about that. I care that he's an idiot.
— E.B. Garrett (@EBGarrett1975) February 10, 2019
There are literally DOZENS of other reasons not to vote for him.
Bryan, don’t be that GUY.
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