Have we mentioned that Ana Navarro is a gross, horrible, awful, nasty, unacceptable hyena who has allowed her hatred of one man to make her into someone who would deliberately disrespect innocent Americans who have been killed at the hands of illegal immigrants?
We have?
Ok, just checking.
This freakin’ woman:
CNN's Ana Navarro pulls out her nail file in annoyance and starts filing her nails as Steve Cortes tries to talk about crimes committed by illegal aliens against American citizens pic.twitter.com/tqOaqDpVtv
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) January 10, 2019
Welp, if Ana wanted to be as awful as she claims Trump is, she succeeded.
No words for how vile this was.
Ok, so we have LOTS of words for how horrible this was but we probably shouldn’t include them in a Twitchy article.
I just watched @ananavarro smirking, filing her nails and rolling her eyes as a guest spoke of innocent Americans murdered by illegal aliens. #ThursdayThoughts
— The Morning Spew (@TheMorningSpew) January 10, 2019
Disgusting right?
Navarro would sell her soul, along with America's sovereignty for a double-dipped ice cream cone and act like a smug leftist elite, doing her nails with a dismissive smile on her face, while citizens are murdered in the streets. Then tell you it's Trump's fault.
— G (@TCC_Grouchy) January 10, 2019
Something like that.
Yeah, well..that is how they feel about victims of their policies.
— Rachel ???? (@RaychelTania) January 10, 2019
She has no heart
— Robert Hoover (@_RobertHoover) January 10, 2019
at least .@ananavarro did Not use her 'let them eat cake' on the grave of American citizens line
— mathewsjw (@mathewsjw) January 10, 2019
Give her time.
She’s a disrespectful fraud. pic.twitter.com/tYabbjs1FJ
— stephiegal (@stephiegal) January 10, 2019
Could be her new official title.
So cool and edgy not to care about murdered Americans!
— Allie Beth Stuckey (@conservmillen) January 10, 2019
That’ll show Trump!
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