Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez talking about herself in the third person?
That’s it. Campaigning has finally gotten to her … guess that’s what happens when you claim you’re just a girl.
And PLEASE, until she can explain how she really and truly will pay for healthcare (and now a living wage?!) for all, she needs to stifle on this noise:
Ocasio2018 fights to achieve living wage & healthcare for ALL.
Until then, I am thrilled to work with leaders like @audreygelman to make private changes sooner.
Today her feminist company @the_wing is extending full-time benefits for part-time employees.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) August 14, 2018
What the heck is a feminist company?
Oh, and notice how she says ‘until then’ which means until she can somehow manipulate the govt to take over private industry and force socialism on this country. What she fails to understand is that this is a private company choosing to do these things so there is no real reason for the government to force the issue.
Changes like these are extraordinarily impactful, and the lives of many will be transformed by this shift.
Women and parents especially stand to benefit from improvements to part-time work conditions, whose flexibility is critical for caretaking and growing other skills.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) August 14, 2018
Women can be parents … she could have just said parents. *shrug*
I believe that all Americans should be covered by healthcare – and can fight for that value + vision everywhere.
I will do so in Congress, and I’m proud of visionary women like @audreygelman and those @the_wing who know that when workplaces are humane places, we ALL benefit.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) August 14, 2018
So leave private industry alone to make its own choices and decisions. Yay capitalism!
Socialism sucks.
Capitalism rules.
The end.
I believe
I feel
The language of leftist millennials— us395 ????️ (@US395) August 14, 2018
Why won’t you debate @benshapiro ?
— Riley Hunter (@RileyPHunter) August 14, 2018
Because she’s just a girl, duh.
What a joke ? You bring some real meaning to the phrase "taxation is theft" there's no way we'll double our taxes for some headass socialist idea. If the people here want free healthcare then they have the choice to try it out somewhere else, so long as they don't mind the taxes
— Chris ?? Llewellyn (@x_sauron) August 14, 2018
Beliefs are nice. Reality is not.
— Geoff Dumas (@gdumas727) August 14, 2018
Especially when it comes to socialism.
Dear diary…
— Joey Baggadonits (@JoeHadenuff) August 14, 2018
I benefit by paying for my health care. I do not benefit by being forced to pay for someone else. Why are you such an advocate of theft?
— Curtis Eggleston (@CoachEgg) August 14, 2018
Because she is an advocate for raising taxes and as any good Conservative will tell you, taxation is theft.
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