You guys remember David Leavitt, right? He’s the ‘freelance writer’ who made disgusting remarks after last year’s Manchester Suicide Bombing during an Ariana Grande concert. In case your memories need to be refreshed you can read it here.
He’s a real charmer, right?
Seems Leavitt thinks he’s some sort of expert on Texas gun laws now.
Texas “gun laws”
Require:▪️No background checks.
▪️No registration.
▪️No license required.
▪️No assault weapon ban.
▪️No magazine capacity restriction.
▪️No law requiring stolen guns to be reported.Retweet if you think we can do better
— David Leavitt (@David_Leavitt) May 18, 2018
This might as well say, ‘Retweet if you refuse to do any of your own research and want to believe any and every gun-grabbing narrative you can find.’
— Michelle Ray (@GaltsGirl) May 20, 2018
That was our exact reaction. Well, that and a lot of eye-rolling and head-shaking.
Don't be too surprised. David also lied about working at CBS and Yahoo News. He has trouble telling the truth. He's the same guy who mocked the victims of the Manchester UK bombing.
— Ken Webster Jr (@KenWebsterJrSho) May 20, 2018
Told you.
Not in the least.
Did you knowingly compose this fabrication for retweets or out of ignorance. Also let’s pretend your lie is true, which one of your bullet points would’ve stopped an armed monster in a gun free zone? I’ll answer that, none.
— Victor Nikki (@HapkidoBigDad) May 19, 2018
The answer is he probably did knowingly fabricate all of this and to Vic’s other point, nothing David listed would have stopped the Santa Fe High School gunman.
And by "better," what you really mean is "total civilian disarmament."
— BattleSwarm (@BattleSwarmBlog) May 18, 2018
Scary when people believe disarming innocent, law-abiding, legal gun owners is civil.
Well considering it wasn’t stolen, it was a shotgun, Assault guns aren’t available to non Class D owners (AR = Armalite rifle), and shotguns don’t have magazines… I’d say your arguments need work…
— RageDenarii (@RageDenarii) May 18, 2018
Psh, this guy and his evil facts.
– Background checks are done under Federal law
– No registration &/or license is required to exercise your inherent free speech rights either
– “Assault weapons” is a term that doesn’t apply to civilian weapons, no matter how many times you spew it
– No law stops the insane— (((WitCoHE))) (@E__Strobel) May 20, 2018
What he said.
Free Lance writer requires:
No research.
No facts.
No clue.— Smirking Spock (@DEfortheBG) May 19, 2018
No dice.
* shooter took his father’s legally owned the firearms. Are you implying the father should have failed NICS chk?
* shooter didn’t use an “assault weapon” (which doesn’t exist)
* assault RIFLES are banned (w/severe restrictions on pre-1986)
* shooter didn’t use a removable mag— ⚓️ ❌Sierra Charlie❌ ⚓️ #Israel (@Llyrin) May 19, 2018
Which is basically who and what David is.
"No background checks."
Right off the bat, you're lying.
— A.P. Dillon ? (@APDillon_) May 18, 2018
Bad right?
Do you Constitution? The Supremacy Clause takes care of a majority of those issues. Show me that YOU can go into any reputable gun dealer and buy without a background check.
— Eric, ravaged by time and bad decisions (@truckerE) May 18, 2018
He won’t because he can’t. Odds are he found this BS list on some gun-grabbing harpy site like Moms Demand and got so excited when he saw it he had to tweet.
Just another tweet from another Leftist looking to make a name for himself on the graves of these poor kids.
Note the blue check.
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