Earlier today, Twitchy reported that a Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School teacher allegedly told a class that Kyle Kashuv is an ass, the next Hitler and that something should be done about him.
This afternoon, news broke that school leaders from Broward County Public Schools will be looking into the incident:
#BREAKING: Broward County Public Schools announces school officials are now looking into the incident where @GregPittman1957 allegedly called @KyleKashuv "the next Hitler," and suggested that something needed to be done about him. pic.twitter.com/TUxeV7Cmgi
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) April 26, 2018
Ruh-roh, Raggy.
Kyle responded:
I'm sure they are… the dude was in school today, per a friend, still ranting saying he was somehow taken out of context…. idk. Saying I am the next Hitler doesn't need much context.
— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) April 26, 2018
Fascinating that this teacher was in school today even after all of this attention STILL going on about Kyle and complaining that he had been taken out of context. And by fascinating we mean warped, twisted and totally bizarre.
Seriously, what grown man thinks it’s ok to compare a kid to Hitler in a classroom?
He should be put on leave and immediately escorted from school premises pending the outcome of the investigation.
— Matthew Kolken (@mkolken) April 26, 2018
At least.
If nothing else he should be told he cannot under any terms or circumstances talk about or to Kyle while on school grounds.
So, they're looking into doing something about Kyle "being the next Hitler" or Greg for being an actual bully?
— (((Spero Futuro))) (@sperofuturo) April 26, 2018
Fair point.
Hopefully the latter.
I’ll be a little glad if the bully loser loses his job. But it’s sad to see how hate inspired by politicians & media has infested our nations people.
— Mom Smirks (@mom_grateful) April 26, 2018
Stay strong!
— Ryan Van Sickle ⭐⭐⭐ (@Ryan_VanSickle) April 26, 2018
And here we thought these kids were off limits.
Guess just the ones the Left agrees with are, right Greg?
The scary part is this clown is a History teacher and throws Hitlers name around like it’s a catch phrase. He is there to TEACH History not preach his agenda.#irony
— Jon Dixon (@jdixon7236) April 26, 2018
He should know better, exactly.
I guess they forgot hitler was against citizen ownership of guns.??♂️ they also can try to cover up what the Nazi party was but it will always be National Socialism.
— Lance Brown (@The_Lance_11B) April 26, 2018
You’d think a History teacher would know that.
And speaking of the teacher, here is he being interviewed by Andrea Mitchell after the shooting:
Somebody’s looking for attention … wonder if he’s enjoying it.
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