Call us crazy but killing an innocent, unborn baby seems like the complete opposite of ‘equal opportunity,’ but we stopped expecting Kamala Harris to actually think before she tweets months and months ago.
This gem she tweeted late Saturday night is exceptionally gross:
Equal opportunity is only possible when women have affordable access to comprehensive reproductive health care — including safe and legal abortion.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) April 8, 2018
The only way for women to have equal opportunity in America is if we have the ability to kill unborn babies. Ass-sphincter says what? And you know what’s pathetic is she really thinks enabling women to avoid responsibility for the bad choices WE MAKE is somehow empowerment.
Otherwise, why would she tweet such ridiculous horse manure?
Wait, don’t answer that.
Only Kamala can equate "equal opportunity" to aborted fetuses.
— thebradfordfile™ (@thebradfordfile) April 8, 2018
Because men have abortions all the time. So women need them to be equal. #Moron
— Vince Gottalotta (@VinceGottalotta) April 8, 2018
Right? If men would stop having all of those abortions women could stop too.
*serious amounts of eye roll*
Equal opportunity is only possible when babies have the right to survive comprehensive reproductive health care — including the right to be born rather than aborted.
— Covfefe Nationalist Buckeye (@NerkBuckeye) April 8, 2018
You’d think ‘equal opportunity’ would include the right to live, eh? Doesn’t seem like such a controversial take but then again, this is Kamala ‘Gorsuch-Follows-the-Law-Too-Much’ Harris we’re talking about so it’s not exactly shocking that she doesn’t actually understand what having equal opportunity really means.
How is that equality when men can’t have safe legal abortions ?
— ???????? ????? ? (@_LovingCup) April 8, 2018
She’s claiming women can’t be successful if they get pregnant or have kids; in other words, she sees pregnancy as a barrier or challenge.
You don't know what the word opportunity means.
— us395 ????️ (@US395) April 8, 2018
Hey, we said that.
Haha wtf? How twisted is this? If you want to argue for a woman's right to murder her kid, have at it. But linking it to 'equal opportunity?' Absolutely bizarre and twisted
— JoeyMags (@josephmagazine1) April 8, 2018
Bizarre and twisted is putting it mildly.
Um, no, that's not what equal opportunity means.
— American Snarker (@AmericanSnarker) April 8, 2018
If you've spent more time shilling for abortion, than teaching preventive behavior to avoid that situation………you are aren't very effective at life.
— Judson McCulloch (@JudsonMcCulloch) April 8, 2018
Ummm…most abortions are not "reproductive health care" or even "health care". It is sick to equate it as such. But then what can you expect of someone who wants the POTUS dead?
— The_Kat™ "Come On Spring!'" Levy (@The_Kat_Roars) April 8, 2018
And what about equality for the unborn?
You were born, I was born; don't these little souls deserve the same shot at life that we have?— Nationalist/FedUpInWV (@FedUpInWV) April 8, 2018
#Women already have access to affordable, legal reproductive healthcare on the backs of #TaxPayers who shouldn’t be footing the bill in the first place Madam. Stop tweeting propaganda. Still trying to figure out what law books you studied…#DefundPlannedParenthood
— D.K. "Unwilling To Work" USA (@KDKWife) April 8, 2018
Equal opportunity? You’re not giving the child ANY opportunity to live. Planned parenthood offers a way out from planning on keeping a child. Parenthood means you actually have children that are alive. Why don’t you consider renaming those to Planned Kill Centers?
— ❤️pat❤️ (@B418H318pw) April 8, 2018
And true.
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