It takes a very, very, VERY small person to post photos from two very different situations and then compare reactions of the people involved in order to make some disgusting, hateful and untrue statement about their behavior.
Like this blue-check poli-sci ASS named Brian Klaas, who took pics of Trump with a family of a survivor of the Parkland High School shooting and compared them to Obama meeting with the family of a Newtown victim who was killed.
The visual difference between Trump and Obama when talking about or visiting the aftermath of a school shooting is striking. Did anyone tell Trump it’s not a celebration?
— Brian Klaas (@brianklaas) February 17, 2018
What was the end goal here, Klaas? To pretend that Trump was ‘happy’ about the shooting? That he didn’t care that people were killed?
Really gross and shameful.
Hi, @brianklaas. Here’s Obama visiting the Aurora shooting victims. Oh, and he’s smiling…
Q: Was Obama smiling disrespectful
A: Of course not.Do you see why your tweet is so shamelessly stupid? Delete. Honesty is more important than your retweets
— Chet Cannon (@Chet_Cannon) February 18, 2018
Yeah, the tweet is still there this morning so we’re PRETTY SURE honesty isn’t all that important to Klaas.
Everyone in that hospital room is smiling, you clown.
Was it disrespectful when Obama smiled with the victims of the Aurora shooting? Of course not.
Delete your shameless, misleading tweet.
— Chet Cannon (@Chet_Cannon) February 18, 2018
And the people on the thread OUTRAGED that this family is smiling because their daughter is alive … they need to get a grip.
They're smiling because she's alive.
— SkellBell (@stacieskelley) February 17, 2018
We’d be SMILING TOO. Thank GOD!
Yeeeeah, ok. Anything for a jab, because Trump. ? You liberals keep being you, and Trump will never lose.
— Paul A Marketos (@PaulAMarketos) February 17, 2018
The hug heard ’round the world.
Of course you smile with the ones THAT ARE STILL ALIVE!
You DONT smile with the families of the dead. Brian posted Obama with families of the dead while posting Pictures of Trump at the bedsides of the survivors.
Its a different emotion. 1 is happy to be alive. The other…
— KyloRepublican (@KyloRepublican) February 18, 2018
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