Think it’s pretty safe to say at this point that Paul Nehlen has not only jumped the shark, but he’s climbed back onto the pier, took his waterskis off, then put them back on and jumped the shark AGAIN.
Either this guy is trolling for the Nazi vote OR something broke in him when Paul Ryan destroyed him in Wisconsin.
Jesus was a Jew, man.
Larry the Cable Guy tried to pull Nehlen off the cliff with actual Biblical references:
c’mon Paul. Why so abrasive. When Jesus approached the woman at the well he never yelled at her and called her a whore. He talked to her about being the living water and that he was the Messiah that she had heard about. It was up to her to believe it. Which she did.
— Larry The Cable Guy (@GitRDoneLarry) January 23, 2018
Git ‘er done, Larry.
And he’s abrasive because he knows it gets attention. That or he’s actually very anti-Semitic and not bothering to hide it anymore.
Yeah, that didn’t go anywhere.
But nice try, Larry.
well, as a follower of Jesus as well, imperfect as I may be….1 Peter 3:15. “But in your hearts revere Christ as lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with Gentleness and respect.
— Larry The Cable Guy (@GitRDoneLarry) January 23, 2018
Others were less gentle with Nehlen:
Perhaps you should study His word more, because you're not a very good witness for the Gospel of Christ.
— Ge?rge Wept (@GeorgeWept) January 23, 2018
We’re not entirely sure if he’s actually familiar with the Gospel of Christ.
What we are fairly sure of is that using faith to attack a group of people isn’t going to get him elected anywhere, anytime soon.
Thank goodness.
Read Romans 11, particularly vs 25-29.
— Carl Gustav (@CaptYonah) January 22, 2018
Delete your account, you dumbass.
— Dusty (@dustopian) January 23, 2018
See what we mean?
Pray for him, folks.
‘One sick man’! Wanna see what Paul Nehlen’s up to these days? [pics]
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