We’re starting to think every person who worked with and for Barack Obama has developed a serious case of amnesia.
Otherwise, they must think Americans have developed amnesia since he left office because they keep tweeting stupid stuff, like this hot mess from Jon Favreau:
I really can’t believe the Republican shutdown position is “we’re not negotiating.”
— Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) January 20, 2018
He really can’t believe Republicans won’t negotiate.
Well first and foremost, this shutdown in no way belongs to the Republicans, considering they passed a bipartisan bill in the House to keep the government up and running and all the Senate Democrats had to do was vote for it.
But they didn’t.
You should save this for some time when the Republicans shut something down. Not during the #SchumerShutdown.
— Dan Phillips (Inspired By Actual Events) (@BibChr) January 20, 2018
Something like that.
My favorite bit of Obama alumnae is their amnesia
— Rob Solo (@robsolo) January 20, 2018
Second only to their massive egos.
Remember these quotes from Obama:
“They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back."
“Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.”
At no time did @TheDemocrats compromise with the GOP.
Where was this air of compromise then?
— Ryan B. Leslie (@RyanBLeslie) January 20, 2018
Jon really can’t believe Republicans won’t negotiate!
Can’t. Stop. Laughing.
Let me introduce you to a guy named Barack Obama https://t.co/rCH75PQsZ8. Oddly enough you were fine with this. Wonder what's different?
— Facts Matter (@convoice) January 20, 2018
We know, we know!
Well, no one ever accused you of paying attention.
— Crash Tinkle (@SocrateezNutz) January 20, 2018
True story.
Negotiating what? Schumer hasn't put out any demands, other than a DACA bill that's already forthcoming
— The Creeper! (@SideshowJon36) January 21, 2018
Hard to negotiate without an actual bill to negotiate.
"Elections have consequences." – Barack Obama
— Political Hippo (@TheSuperHippo) January 21, 2018
‘Win an election.’ – Obama
Oh, and there’s another HUGE problem with Jon’s claim that Republicans won’t negotiate:
Not negotiating pic.twitter.com/OUdfIZnoXD
— TrumpOysterCult (@LeftyLemn) January 20, 2018
Gosh, this looks a LOT like negotiating to us.
SHOTS FIRED: Sarah Sanders took aim at Nancy Pelosi ‘celebrating’ #SchumerShutdown in a BIG way
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