As the rich and famous dressed all in black to raise awareness at their cute little awards show, protesters in Iran continued to fight for their freedom.
You wouldn’t know it of course because a bunch of self-centered, self-important blowhards patting themselves on the backs for playing pretend was on TV and that is clearly way more important than women standing up and saying no more to an authoritarian government.
I’m not watching the #goldenglobes, but I’m hearing a lot about female empowerment, which is great! I assume everybody’s paying it forward by sounding off about repression in Iran, right?
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) January 8, 2018
They were busy babbling about their truth and bitching that no women had been nominated as director of best picture.
Priorities ya’ know.
Only if you mean "Iran….as fast as I could to my favorite designer, whom I instructed to fashion a black gown in order that I might protest the morally bankrupt environment I helped create and protect by perpetrating another meaningless publicity stunt"….then yes.
— CarolinaConservative (@1776CC) January 8, 2018
My favorite was the “poverty is sexist” sweater that cost over $300!
— Harley Kesselman (@harleykesselman) January 8, 2018
And wow, that was dumb, right?
They’re all talking about not sexualizing women, but wear very revealing dresses. I’m confused
— DBauer (@Engineer_This) January 8, 2018
Yeah, we noticed that too. Stop treating women like sex objects, now look at this plunging neckline. Hey, they should absolutely wear what they want but it’s hard to take any of them seriously about … well, anything.
The winners and the self congratulatory back slapping was mostly done by collaborators of sexual assault. But then they don’t want to hear that
— Jeff Kiser (@1962Kiser) January 8, 2018
It looked like a funeral.
Which was perfect.
Not that I’m watching, but as I understand it rich Hollywood people are wearing $1000’s in black to protest their peers in a united effort to show us normals good virtue while celebrating themselves. Makes total sense
— Wade Calvert (@wadecalvert) January 8, 2018
Virtue signaling on steroids, yup.
Isn’t it very generous of the pampered Hollywood Elites to quote “dedicate there awards” to oppressed women.
There’s a hollow shallow token if there ever was one— Brett Russell (@DFlacido) January 8, 2018
Even WE thought it was pretty gross, and we look at Chelsea Handler’s Twitter feed every day.
YAAAS! Dana Loesch LIGHTS Oprah UP with her own ‘truth’ (and blasts powerful women in Hollywood)
SERIO?! ‘Poverty is Sexist’ sweater seen at Golden Globes is EVERYTHING wrong with Hollywood
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