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Former Twitter employee spills the BEANS on shadow bans, access to DMs and more in text-filled thread

Seems the more we find out about what was happening ‘behind the curtain’ at Twitter, the more questions we have about what was (and is) happening, which is why we’re grateful to former employees like the one in this thread willing to spill the beans. Hey, if they want to stay anonymous, that’s fine.


We get it.

Especially when they’re answering questions about Twitter AI, access to DMs, shadow bans, and more.

Take a look at this:

If we’re not mistaken, guano is bat poop.

Makes sense for ‘dirty, non-formatted data’ when you think about it. And if a tweet was actioned it went to guano.

Side note, we’ve been using guano to call people bats**t for a long long time … just sayin’.

In the bats**t table.


Keep going.

Everything was fair game.

Here’s the big one people keep asking Elon Musk and others:


So yes, it sounds like Twitter has been reading your DMs.

Strict protocol … that’s adorbs.

Seems pretty straightforward. If you were on the blacklist trend you supposedly violated one of their policies. Too bad a violation included DISAGREEING WITH DEMOCRATS.


Trust and Safety.


Another good question, this one about shadow banning.


We all considered it that as well.


Gosh, wonder if they de-amplified this editor? If they de-amplified Twitchy? Hate speech, misinformation … knowing what we know now about what Twitter considered hate speech and misinformation we wouldn’t be the least bit surprised.


But that’s why they said they didn’t.

AKA, that’s why they lied.

Because of course.



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Editor’s Note:

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