John Hayward always puts together some of the smartest yet most terrifying threads we come across on Twitter. And considering these threads are ones everyone should read (even if they are scary AF) you know we’ve gotta cover them.
And this one on the ‘Great Reset’ and open borders is no exception.
Take a gander:
The primordial beginning of "Great Reset" authoritarianism was the international elite deciding, decades ago, that citizens of advanced nations have no right to control their own borders or enforce requirements for permanent residence.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) September 26, 2022
Told you.
Keep going.
No one is allowed to question this "consensus" or vote against it. No matter how loudly the people of any given country demand border security, no matter how hard they vote for it, their will is consistently subverted. If that's not authoritarianism, then nothing is.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) September 26, 2022
Yeah, that’s totally authoritarianism.
The open borders "consensus" of the elite is not open for discussion. The desires of the proletariat are irrelevant. The Little People are subjected to limitless crime and expected to shoulder endless costs for mass migration without complaint, lest they be called xenophobes.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) September 26, 2022
The Little People.
Man, we’ve seen a lot of that these past two years …
Open borders was among the first issues to be "elevated" beyond the reach of democracy. You simply are not allowed to vote against the sacred Consensus. If you manage to vote in legislators who take the border seriously, they are corrupted or subverted by the permanent State.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) September 26, 2022
Sacred consensus.
While Kamala insists our southern border is secure.
Organizing against mass migration is extremely difficult, because no good-faith disagreement with The Consensus is permitted. If you don't like endless waves of illegal aliens, or you object to paying the costs, you're a xenophobe and your political organizations are hate groups.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) September 26, 2022
And if you don’t want open borders you’re a xenophobe or in a hate group.
Because of course.
Meanwhile, the open borders Consensus has vast resources, titanic sums of political money, unlimited freedom to organize. In this way, the husk of "democracy" is propped up as an illusion, but if only one side can organize or expect the State to respond to its votes, it's a sham.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) September 26, 2022
We really hope democracy isn’t propped up as an illusion … but he has a point here.
A good deal of political correctness or "woke" totalitarianism is about preventing dissenters from organizing. The hard Left understands the power of creating permanent political organizations with huge financial resources, symbiotic with the mega-State they champion.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) September 26, 2022
The Left absolutely knows how to organize.
Meanwhile, media and the same Left paint the Right as fascists so any sort of ‘organization’ is a threat.
See how it works?
You might have some (increasingly limited) ability to express contrary opinions on social media or among friends, but if you cannot organize to effect change by voting for representation and lobbying the administrative State, you have no power.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) September 26, 2022
And in the case of open borders extremism, the elite Consensus supported by well-funded and powerful lobbying groups is a direct assault on the electorate, a nakedly obvious effort to engineer the electorate, making it even harder for anyone to organize against the ruling Party.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) September 26, 2022
The first step was to erase good-faith disagreement with the Consensus by painting dissenters as unthinking racist brutes, and make it all but impossible for dissenters to organize. If dissenters won elections anyway, their votes were nullified by administrative fiat.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) September 26, 2022
Look at how they treat Gaetz, Greene, Boebert, Massie, Paul …
How can anyone fail to see this as authoritarianism? Because it uses idealized caricatures of migrants as political props? Is it really that easy to disable all of the safeguards that protect representative democracy and national identity, which are inextricably linked?
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) September 26, 2022
Maybe that's the first thing we were tricked into forgetting: no national identity and no borders means no nation, and no nation means no restraints on elite power, no sense of duty to their citizens interfering with the ambitions of politicians.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) September 26, 2022
Is there a single politician on the Left today, in any Western country, who would agree with the proposition that they have more responsibilities to legal citizens of their own countries than to migrants or international organizations? They would all sneer at that notion.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) September 26, 2022
Sneer is the perfect word here.
Years of this snowballing arrogance invariably affects the opposition, which is desperate for representation and organization. It's Martha's Vineyard times 100,000 every day in border states, but unlike blue-enclave elites, they're not allowed to complain or take action.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) September 26, 2022
There are more elite Consensuses coming our way – more issues where democracy must supposedly be suspended or subverted, where dissent is silenced and effective political organization is not allowed, where elections become puppet shows. Open borders was a successful test run.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) September 26, 2022
Never surrender the legitimacy of dissent. Never allow the political class to rewrite the rules of debate, political organization, fund-raising, and bureaucracy to make effective opposition to their agenda illegal. Freedom is transitory without the bedrock of nationhood. /end
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) September 26, 2022
Let’s just hope it’s not too late.
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