Gosh, Trump supporters are such big ol’ NAZIS that our pals on the Left have to lie about it … you know Andrew Wortman isn’t great at this whole activism thing if Twitter hasn’t verified him, and considering who they DO verify? Yeah, that’s gotta be embarrassing to the self-proclaimed ‘super-followable’ Twitter troll.
Ok, and the lie is really bad, but the number of lawn flamingos who bought into this? Way to go, Biden, you’ve dumped gasoline on a bunch of insane and violent people just looking for a reason to go after those they disagree with.
Case in point:
Multiple vendors are selling Nazi flags at the #TrumpRally to prove just how strongly his supporters stand against fascism.
— Andrew Wortman 🏳️🌈🇺🇸 (@AmoneyResists) September 4, 2022
So then he tries to prove his claim … HE SHARES PICTURES AND EVERYTHING!
— Andrew Wortman 🏳️🌈🇺🇸 (@AmoneyResists) September 4, 2022
See that cute little ‘stay informed’ piece? That’s Twitter fact-checking Andrew.
Follow the thread, and the claim was flagged by Twitter as a lie. How bad has THAT got to be for a liberal meme to be called a lie by TWITTER? 🤣 https://t.co/qO0JzidBPt
— WearingMyMask (@JonathanAEvers) September 4, 2022
Nazi flags, tiki torches … the Left seems to LOVE fascist symbolism.
They were in 2016 at a fair in PA. Context missing is the guy sold all@kinds of flags there, even for Hillary. pic.twitter.com/23MdEVuvBZ
— Jim Thomson (@starchy77) September 4, 2022
So does that make Hillary a Nazi? Asking for a friend.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that no one was selling Nazi flags at last night's rally. https://t.co/6JcbfvHWUq
— Magnifico Classic (@MagnificoIX) September 4, 2022
That would be a super-safe limb to go out on.
— mallen2010 (@mallen_2010) September 4, 2022
— Cindy Cooper (@CindyCoops) September 4, 2022
Andy lies. This is an embarrassment to twitter’s campaign to squelch misinformation. Does anyone else think he looks like a child molester?
— StevePage (@StevePage5) September 4, 2022
Do you have any evidence of this?
— Shay Patrick Cormac (@ShayCormac_1) September 4, 2022
Some out-of-context images … even Twitter knocked him.
— Ranch Wood (@UVIL1991) September 4, 2022
We’d be embarrassed for him if we thought he had the ability to be embarrassed.
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