Ok, so considering Google typically leans very Left and it’s very obvious in their search results when they’re trying to keep certain groups, parties, and people from looking bad, that this is the result you get when you search Mr. Potato Head under their News tab is simply spectacular.
Not that we want to give them any sort of credit for being funny or clever, this is likely some anomaly or accident in their algorithm but man, we totally snort-laughed when this came across our timeline:
look what happens when you google Mr Potato Head under google's News tab pic.twitter.com/7iJDc45Msb
— Michael Malice (@michaelmalice) August 18, 2022
C’mon, it’s the little things that keep us going, especially when covering a Hellsite like Twitter.
— Cattorious 🇮🇱🇺🇸 (Texas Flag Gif) (@Cattorious) August 19, 2022
We are totally the guy in the middle.
Now its this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 pic.twitter.com/SN9K2Q52er
— Curt King (@TheKingsTruth1) August 18, 2022
If you google Mrs. Potato Head, you get Brian Stelter with lipstick.
— Alien Hotep (@AlienHotep) August 18, 2022
And now we’re dead.
Based Google
— Justin (@Aristofoneez) August 18, 2022
Not something we see every day.
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