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You normies gotta mask up (and your kids too) but not Obama! DJ forced to delete maskless Obama pics at birthday party (but we got 'em)

Apparently, if your last name is Obama you can’t spread COVID. Huh, who knew?


They made him delete the pictures.

Almost as if they know this is a really bad look.

We’re honestly surprised any of them gave a single damn about how bad it looked because none of our ‘betters’ have actually pretended they care if we know they’re breaking their own rules.

From the New York Post:

Gold napkins, masks and backstage passes were emblazoned with 44X60, a reference to the 44th president’s 60th birthday, and bathroom amenities included antiperspirant wipes, a lint roller and Advil, according to the pictures.

Beckham, who reportedly performed a version of his hit “Birthday B—h” for the prez — who was also sung to by Alicia Keys and John Legend, later posted about the party.

“Had to delete everything due to the rules,” Beckham reportedly explained. “It was epic for sure. If any videos surface it’s going viral. He danced the whole time. Nobody ever seen Obama like this before.”

It was epic.

And they were masks available so why wasn’t Obama wearing one? Heck, the dude is 60 now.


Hey, that’s only fair.

Acosta wants to name a variant after DeSantis …

Dude must be eatin’ his Wheaties.



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