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Joy Reid trips SPECTACULARLY over forcibly-masked, locked-down Americans in tweet about 'The Handmaid's Tale' having different 'vibe' under Biden

Joy Reid is gonna Joy Reid … we get it. But c’mon. We knew she was pretty much out to lunch when she claimed time-traveling hackers hacked her old blog and wrote a bunch of homophobic stuff on it, and we were pretty sure she wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box when she bragged about being fully vaccinated and wearing two masks while jogging … but this about ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’?


They need to get a new show, a new book.

A brain.

Imagine being so inundated with politics and so emotionally dependent on a political party that you literally have a ‘vibe’ at all watching a show. And to actually believe it might become true?

Stop eating paint chips. Now.

But wait, it gets DUMBER.

You know what? We got nothin’.


Not a damn thing.

Right? Millions of American being told by their government where they can go, what they can wear … sounds a lot like this crappy book and even crappier show. At no point during Trump’s term (before the pandemic) did we feel quite as oppressed and kept as we are now.

But yay, Biden and Democrats.

Maybe she has a little notecard that says, ‘Don’t swallow tongue.’


Ding ding ding.

Now, how could an idea say good morning?




‘Anti-science, anti-women, anti-reality GARBAGE’! Katie Pavlich UNLOADS on NARAL’s babbling about gender-neutral language with pregnancy

So TOUGH! Mask Nazi RUUUNS AWAY after his video-attempt to shame a maskless pregnant woman BACKFIRES on Twitter (but we grabbed it)

DROPPED! Jon Favreau tries picking a fight with Brit Hume accusing Fox News of ‘getting people killed’ and just GUESS how that goes

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