This is … well, this is awful.
And sad.
Seems science reporter for the Toronto Star, Jennifer Yang, is so terrified of COVID that she decided to basically vilify her kiddo for testing positive. She has been ‘quarantining’ herself from her child, which seems very cold unto itself, but add to it that she went on Twitter to talk about how miserable SHE is?
So bad in fact that Jennifer locked down after receiving pushback.
Luckily Genève Campbell grabbed some screenshots:
This is a science reporter at the Toronto Star, entirely on the coronavirus beat.
— Genève Campbell (@bergerbell) April 22, 2021
The thing that makes her feel sick is NOT that her child is sick, but that her child could make someone else sick.
And the way she talks about the things her daughter has done … and how scared she and her husband are.
This just comes off as really horrible.
This is part of a larger pattern.
Reporters and academic scientists with medical anxiety have disproportionately shaped, and are continuing to shape, pandemic media coverage. It’s what is forming and setting the boundaries of discourse.
— Genève Campbell (@bergerbell) April 22, 2021
Scared people write scary stuff.
This ain’t rocket science.
“Twitter is NOT real life!!!” he screams, before switching tabs over to a Zoom school board meeting in which three of this journalist’s articles are cited.
— Genève Campbell (@bergerbell) April 22, 2021
We are definitely seeing an unhinged and unhealthy reaction in some people about COVID that goes beyond the dangers of the virus itself.
This is total insanity! It sounds like what this mother is calling a case is a positive test without disease. In other words, a false positive, not a case. How very sad to be so crippled with fear of disease that you don’t live life.
— Jane Hughes,MD (@janehughesmd) April 22, 2021
If you are so scared your mitigation measures are causing injuries you might be too scared to be an objective source of information for other people who need clearheaded assistance….I feel sorry for this family, not mad at them….
— Codified Likeness Utility (@parkerrm39) April 22, 2021
Very sciency. ?
— Katie Scarlet (@Katiescarlet2) April 22, 2021
This chart breaks down the disparity, especially on the left, between how dangerous covid actually is vs how dangerous people think it is. Spoiler, those on the left think it’s way more dangerous than it is.
— Pop Copy (@urbanmeyerlives) April 22, 2021
This is nuts.
And our public health systems and media should be ASHAMED of themselves.
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