There is something profoundly creepy writing about Andrew Cuomo and a sausage.
Just so you all know.
With everything coming out about Cuomo and his allegedly sexually harassing former aides this looks even worse.
just thinking back to that time NY Governor Andrew Cuomo hounded a local news reporter to "eat the whole sausage"
— Matt Binder (@MattBinder) February 28, 2021
Talk about a creepsh*t.
And is that his daughter sitting next to him? Dude, really?
Wow! She keeps saying sandwich, and he keeps saying sausage. How sleazy can he be to make these jokes in front of his daughter?
— Michael (@RollCall79) February 28, 2021
He’s a sleaze.
That’s how.
You know, there may be an element of truth to that, yeah.
But I think the real point here is that Cuomo and other Democrats of his ilk beat up other people for perceived faux pas and "harrasment," yet feel perfectly free to engage in this kind of obviously wrong behavior.
— CoolCzech (@CoolCzech1) March 1, 2021
Clearly, Andy wasn’t worried about what he was saying to a female reporter about eating the whole sausage.
Very normal behavior!
— steven monacelli (@stevanzetti) February 28, 2021
— crob (@crobblack) February 28, 2021
There’s a dirty joke to be made here but we will not be making it because we’re super mature and stuff.
Ok, so we just kinda-sorta made the joke anyway but still …
this is unwatchable …
— Joseph Richards (@lionel_richards) February 28, 2021
When creepy met cringe…
— FlyingCookG (@FlyingCookG1) March 1, 2021
That works perfectly.
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