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Even THEY know nobody's home: Dozens of House Dems call on Biden to relinquish sole authority to launch nuclear weapons

You know it’s bad when even Democrats are starting to admit Biden, who has been president for just over a month, is not doing well mentally. Why else would three DOZEN House Democrats ask him to give up his sole authority to launch nuclear weapons?


This has been the most embarrassing sham ever pulled on this country, true story.

Not a great look, Democrats.

Little bit of buyer’s remorse with Biden, folks?

We ALL know it.

‘Oh, good, the guy who thinks he’s the smartest person in the room chimed in,’ said literally nobody, ever.


Underrated tweet.

Biden’s supporters aren’t exactly happy about this:

Ugh, are we ever going to get past the ‘but Trump’ phase of Biden’s presidency?

Asking for a friend.



‘Someone ELSE’S problem’: Brit Hume BLISTERS Fauci with reminder about who and what he really IS in just one brutal tweet

Talk to the HAND! Conservative woman’s unapologetic, kick-a*ss thread on why SHE’S going to CPAC will make you fist-pump

‘Ignore this guy’: Marine takes apart MuslimMarine’s thread lecturing Americans on why they don’t need an AR-15 and it’s perfect

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