Tom Nichols appears to be lecturing George Floyd protesters because they make his argument against lockdown protesters seem silly.
Don’t get us wrong, Tom isn’t defending those who protested the lockdowns, he’s far too important for that, but he is giving these protesters a hard time for not allowing the scolds to keep them inside.
I have not said that the protesters should not protest because of COVID. I avoided that because I knew it was pointless. But if you think the anti-lockdown people are playing gotcha – well, they are, because many of you walked right into it. Unfortunately. /1
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) June 4, 2020
Yeah, you dumb ol’ people protesting the death of George Floyd. Shame shame!
And you should all listen to Tom because he’s so smart and stuff.
I supported the lockdown and observed its restrictions in my own life. I still wear a mask. I was brutal about the dumbasses holding rallies in places like Michigan. I agreed with all of you who said that these people were reckless and endangering all of us – because they are. /2
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) June 4, 2020
He supported the lockdown.
Well goodie for him.
Maybe ‘Tom’ is the male Karen?
But yes, I also knew there was no way to cap the volcano that would erupt after the Floyd video. I get that. But don't try to retcon arguments now to say "Well, this is different." If you thought COVID was a mortal threat in May, then just be consistent about it now. /3
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) June 4, 2020
It does no good to say "Well, this was important enough to risk it." That's a judgment you're making for others – and exactly the judgment you rejected from others a month or two ago. That makes no sense now, either as a matter of logic or science. That is pure emotivism. /4
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) June 4, 2020
The best you can say is: "This was going to happen, and now we'd better brace for the consequences." But trying to say "*Those* public gatherings were irresponsible, but *these* public gatherings are not a danger" just looks like the double-standard that it is. /5
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) June 4, 2020
Ya’ think?
When you've told people not to go to church because it could get many of us killed – a rule I followed – and then make excuses about how thousands of people, shoulder-to-shoulder, screaming, is okay and not to worry, you can't complain if others now doubt your sincerity. /6
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) June 4, 2020
I am not saying the protests do not have a legitimate cause. They do. I am not saying that police violence is not a threat. It is.
I am saying that this huge double-standard will now strengthen the *incorrect* argument that the lockdowns were just bullshit. And that's bad. /7x— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) June 4, 2020
Lockdowns were just bullsh*t.
And by “gotcha” he means the entire narrative we were fed and we supported was total and complete bulllllsheeeeet.
— Queen V (@TMIWITW) June 4, 2020
And that’s apparently Tom’s big priority, that people stay locked down.
Or you could just not engage with bad faith arguments.
— Bert W. (@BertW86) June 4, 2020
But he’s an expert!
It's not good, but I'm sorry. Protesting for a haircut and a manicure does not equal protesting for justice and change.
— Lisa Hall (@LisaH5150) June 4, 2020
See?! They don’t get it.
Luckily folks were more than happy to ‘educate’ Lisa.
Is protesting for my business acceptable to you? Is protesting for people to get the in-person therapy acceptable to you?
— Captain Oblivious Stranger (@lone_rides) June 4, 2020
Trying to distill protests to lift lockdowns to people wanting a haircut and a manicure is malicious. People have lost their livelihoods, savings, businesses, jobs. To ridicule them for wanting to survive in the face of facts that conflict the lockdowns is wrong.
— TheBIArchitect (@BIArchitectess) June 4, 2020
Damn, the point flew right over your head, didn’t it?
— Tryx™️? (@Rav1ngUnicorn) June 4, 2020
No public health experts will have ground to stand on if they ever tell people – you have to upend your lives because we have a contagious decease spreading. This is the worst outcome of the protests. Worse than all destruction
— (((Upset Centrist))) (@Beard1976) June 4, 2020
The experts, like Tom, will definitely struggle to convince the masses to listen to them.
Ever again.
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